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Jihwan isn't a Red Flag!!

Gold Dollar April 21, 2024 5:13 am

I hope everyone realizes that Jihwans can't control his own bad behavior. He is mentally ill. He can't comprehend that what he's doing is sociopathic. He's deeply struggling w his mental health w no help and it's sad.

If anything I'd be mad at Sooyoung for not seeing what's in front of him.

    maplesyrup <3 April 21, 2024 5:24 am

    Well I wouldn’t say being mad at sooyoung is right either . He’s also just a high school boy dealing with the trauma of almost being raped , and jihwan did really well before with hiding his sociopathic tendencies from sooyoung . He’s like a savior to sooyoung so sooyoung chooses to see the best of him . And now with feelings involved it can make rose tinted glasses , especially to a vulnerable high school kid in a bad financial situation . At least now he’s starting to see something is up .

    toilet terrorist April 21, 2024 11:47 am

    Being an abuser without thinking youre an abuser doesnt mean youre not an abuser. Jihwan IS a bad person, he IS a red flag. Its sad hes not getting help but the fact hes negatively impacting so many other people doesnt change. People understand hes msntally ill, they also understand most abusers are.

    PmChivas April 21, 2024 1:54 pm

    Jiwhan is a HUGE red flag!! His behavior isn't due to mental illness; it's due to obsessive behavior. Jihwan knows right from wrong. He knew that his father basically imprisoned his mother. And he plans to do the same thing to SY but he's using a different approach as he admitted to his father, so hopefully the outcome will be different. Jihwan manipulates situations so the outcome will show him favorably. Like how he got rid of Gyujin from SY's side and out of his life. He helped flame Gyujin's behavior until it erupted and got him expelled from school. Jihwan fakes weakness around SY all the time, but his true self slips out sometimes. And now systematically isolating Sooyoung from his friends is his next step. Red flag behavior. In the beginning, SY was only peripherally aware of Jihwan, but Jihwan was fully aware of SY and has been slowly moving into his vision. Now, that SY is fully aware of Jihwan and can see him -- Jihwan is moving forward with making sure SY's eyes are only on him and no one else. Sooyoung has been warned by Jihwan's friends that he is unstable and by the family driver, but hasn't really listened to anything they've said to him, and he sorta admitted to himself that Jihwan is creepy. RED FLAG!! Just because you ignore the flag doesn't mean it changes color.

    JulyInAugust April 21, 2024 2:48 pm
    Jiwhan is a HUGE red flag!! His behavior isn't due to mental illness; it's due to obsessive behavior. Jihwan knows right from wrong. He knew that his father basically imprisoned his mother. And he plans to do t... PmChivas

    Sooyoung is very vulnerable, he try to avoid conflicts and take as less space as possible, he let others lead the way. He is also incapable of imagining the worst from people and is oblivious of those around him which lead to him confusing controlling behavior as care.
    In no way is it a bad thing, it's just his personality, but abuser do choose their targets because of their vulnerabilities.

    Gold Dollar April 21, 2024 6:15 pm
    Jiwhan is a HUGE red flag!! His behavior isn't due to mental illness; it's due to obsessive behavior. Jihwan knows right from wrong. He knew that his father basically imprisoned his mother. And he plans to do t... PmChivas

    I'm really not going to read all that... But! I saw the last few lines about ignoring red flags... I'm not. I have an understanding of extreme mental illness. So many scenes in so many chapters where Jihwan is taking medication, incapable of differentiating good and bad behavior, manipulation, extreme violence etc
    Jihwan has a mental disorder

    PmChivas April 21, 2024 8:20 pm
    I'm really not going to read all that... But! I saw the last few lines about ignoring red flags... I'm not. I have an understanding of extreme mental illness. So many scenes in so many chapters where Jihwan is ... Gold Dollar

    Jihwan's mental illness is his obsessive behavior. He knows right from wrong. He's a manipulative bastard who is trying to isolate his prey, Sooyoung, from all his friends. Sooyoung is is caught up in his own issues that he's totally ignoring the obvious truth about Jihwan. We'll have to agree to disagree, but to me, Jihwan is a gigantic walking red flag.