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Why does his chin jut out like a witch

Rice Daddy April 21, 2024 1:55 pm

I hate the way they draw Hue in the new season, why the hell is he drawn so sharply? His eyes look feminine and his nose and chin are points wtf

    Saphir April 21, 2024 6:16 pm

    Is that so??...I didn't see any difference in drawing

    Sahara April 21, 2024 6:32 pm

    I think the new artstyle Is much better like come on gurl grow up

    Rice Daddy April 21, 2024 9:49 pm
    I think the new artstyle Is much better like come on gurl grow up Sahara

    I'm allowed to have a different opinion than you, and from the looks of it I'm not alone. If you like pointy jagged faces enjoy it by your lonesome

    ReverseHaremJutsu April 21, 2024 9:54 pm

    I don’t have a problem with the new art specially, but the change does bug me, especially if it’s the style of art. Like in the naruto time skip, I don’t mind it cuz the characters style is the same, but one of the reasons I never finished fairy tail and haikyuu was cuz the style changed (I kno it’s more accurate to the manga now but I got attached to the old art style) and it bugs me cuz I’m a little fussy when it comes to art stylistic changes. This one too, I got attached to how Hue was drawn so now he kinda feels like a new character to me, I’ll still read tho

    mysticeva April 22, 2024 4:29 am

    bro ifkr it's literally so weird cuz that one panel of Lucia genuinely just scared the hell out of me with her eyes being so big and dark compared to the rest of her face. the artist is working with a new team or experimenting and it's really not working well

    Sahara April 22, 2024 5:47 am
    I'm allowed to have a different opinion than you, and from the looks of it I'm not alone. If you like pointy jagged faces enjoy it by your lonesome Rice Daddy

    By far I've been reading a lot of manhwa or manga in my old acc or new acc and I've stumbled upon an artstyle worst than this but I believe that what matters more is the story line and I deeply am sorry if you feel offended as all people have different pov.

    Igotnothingonmymind April 28, 2024 3:57 am
    I think the new artstyle Is much better like come on gurl grow up Sahara

    Seriously bro.? Seriously.? You like the art style where the ml's side view is like a drawing I did in 7th grade in anatomy class. Gurl bfr

    Sahara April 28, 2024 8:28 am
    Seriously bro.? Seriously.? You like the art style where the ml's side view is like a drawing I did in 7th grade in anatomy class. Gurl bfr Igotnothingonmymind

    Well to you it might be like a 7th grader but to me it's hell like drawing

    Igotnothingonmymind April 28, 2024 8:51 am
    Well to you it might be like a 7th grader but to me it's hell like drawing Sahara

    It is hell alright