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Fuck it, forget about the bitch Elianca

Nykval April 22, 2024 10:08 pm

The MC's worst enemy is herself and her own lack of self esteem.

The emperor loves her, even apologized to her many times and tried to be a good father for years

Her fiance is capable of torturing people only for insulting her and has been trying to get her favor FOR YEARS TOO

Her brothers love her, even Jeremiah who actively hated her

Her own father, known for being a selfish bastard is even developing a conscience because of her and because he's starting to love her

Her caretaker loves her and was mad she left without telling her

The servants love her

Nobels love her

Even the Emperor's second hand is loyal to her

Sis be for real

    Midnight_Rose April 22, 2024 11:46 pm

    For some reason I can't vote but I agree completely. It's actually a bit frustrating and I sincerely hope they get through her.

    Y u n a April 23, 2024 6:36 am

    Miss girl is so blind she needs glasses. She's gonna have her happy ending if she did open her heart.

    Kek April 23, 2024 11:57 am

    This is totally true, but why don't we also consider who made her personality like this in the first place? During her most crucial developmental years she was never given any indication that she was deserving of love by the emperor or those around her. She even had to suck up to him just so she could survive as a child. Then he says she should live quietly like a rat, not even acknowledging she is a human. Why should she trust him now? Because he's regretful and says sorry and suddenly is loving and friendly? I'm not sure which holy saint would forgive that, but certainly not me. As for her real brothers and real father, her first impression of them was not exactly the greatest. Except for a few people they have all said harsh and hurtful words to her. It's not like she can read their mind to know that they like her. I think she's doing the best she can and even if it's frustrating, her behaviour is totally understandable. Her decision to be independent is very satisfying as well. I'm rooting for her happy ending!!

    Nykval April 24, 2024 3:57 am
    This is totally true, but why don't we also consider who made her personality like this in the first place? During her most crucial developmental years she was never given any indication that she was deserving ... Kek

    There's a reason i said the real enemy was her self esteem, not herself as a whole. Also I understand its also the Emperor's fault and the book and her mother, but also, the Emperor's change wasnt sudden. It was of years and I too want her to be independant but we cant deny she's also sabotaging herself along the way. Like, her fiance for example. He was a kid too and he also spent years trying to win her over even if he didnt know she liked him too and she knows the destiny can be changed. She already changed a lot and this may come from my frustration to other characters that are the same way, but she keeps acting as if the book's word are unchangeable

    Kek April 24, 2024 5:44 am
    There's a reason i said the real enemy was her self esteem, not herself as a whole. Also I understand its also the Emperor's fault and the book and her mother, but also, the Emperor's change wasnt sudden. It wa... Nykval

    That's true!! I see your point. I just feel bad for her because of what she's been through. I guess this is why the author is great, they can really make you feel empathy for all the characters!!