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Nothing against this

OwlHead April 27, 2024 4:44 pm

Nothing against this but I feel like mc has a very toxic view on what being an internal medicine physician is. I know we story is insinuating he’s wrong but I hope there is an actual scene of him realizing that. Internal medicine physician are the ones that do check-ups and are the first to notify you when something is wrong. They work with you to form health plans and to redirect you to the correct specialist if needed meaning they must have knowledge in a number of diseases and disorders in order to quickly find someone to help you and reduce harm. They go through residency as well—so in no way is working in that field “limping and pretending to be a doctor”. They are arguably the most doctor of all the medical practitioners since they have the strongest connection with their community. Again I have full sympathy for him but it’s completely fine if he cannot be a surgeon, he can save so many lives as an internal medicine specialist and maybe that would suit him better considering his anxieties.

    OwlHead April 27, 2024 4:46 pm

    Why do I care?
    My mom’s a internal medicine doctor and I hate when her profession is undermined cause she works really hard to maintain the health of our community.

    hachi leaf April 28, 2024 12:06 am

    yeah hopefully it delivers in that aspect. though so far it seems his view of it has been intentional, he has been shown to be an achiever from the start and his move is likely the author's way to make him develop a different perspective.

    though aside from that, i think his thoughts were also influenced by the fact that he was working towards being a surgeon instead of internal medicine so being switched gears so fast makes him feel like he's shirking on his actual profession