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Don't be greedy and love what u hv

H Fujoshi February 3, 2017 5:35 pm

From the start, you should have loved him~ what's the point in wanting to show him off as ur muse? You just broke him over and over. Even after that,He would hv loved u no matter what. Greed is real scary...(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Sensei knows how to show the ugly sides of ppl~ make me shiver...

    Viira February 4, 2017 11:26 am

    Well I think part of it too as that he start off as this apprentice and as an artist/designer planning to make a living off of his work he needed to be famous/popular. And being famous in the industry meant he would have to be the mothers toy, you know? So as soon as he got the upper hand and before there was much in his life romantically (he was a workaholic), he was focused on advancing his career anyway he needed to. But once he realized his feelings for Yuriy he knew that his career would suffer if he acted on those feelings and felt that the only life he could see for them was at albalkin so he needed to maintain the way things were. Usually people have a hard time seeing how to get out of a situation and I think that is the case here, he couldn't see it until he gave into his feelings and let his love for Yuriy be at the forefront of his decision making. That and he was going to losing abalkin or lose yuriy and they'd both already been in the industry and gotten what they wanted out of it at that point so they could move on.

    H Fujoshi February 4, 2017 11:39 am

    Yeah...sensei really knows how to show those nasty sides of us. But lesson learnt. Whatever the condition, I'm never ever going to use someone, especially the one who loves me that much. (=・ω・=)

    Viira February 4, 2017 12:14 pm
    Yeah...sensei really knows how to show those nasty sides of us. But lesson learnt. Whatever the condition, I'm never ever going to use someone, especially the one who loves me that much. (=・ω・=) H Fujoshi

    Same ╥﹏╥ I'd be heartbroken if I did that to somebody I loved...but I guess as this manga don't really understand/realize what you've done to people until you've already done it, in many cases. But it will never be my intent to do anything other than cherish those I love T^T