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Heesung’s weight + build (I know, a weird comment)

Spöktuttar April 27, 2024 7:51 pm

Heesung’s build and weight doesn’t match. Ain’t no way a person as tall as him and built would weigh 74kg. I know it’s not a big deal, but it just annoyed me hehe. Someone like him would easily weigh over 80kg, or at least 80kg. Don’t mind me

    Aloha April 28, 2024 11:53 pm

    I mean on all the comments it's you who ran to me after i commented like the huge stalker you are

    Safety Advocate April 29, 2024 12:16 am

    I am convicted in the real truth about the situation. They are certainly entitled to their opinion that goes against reality. I will not entertain them.

    Aloha April 29, 2024 12:21 am

    ^ i guess this is the last time you're entertaining me... in this comment thread

    Spöktuttar April 29, 2024 8:38 pm

    Wait I’m so confused

    轻轻落下来的叶子 April 29, 2024 8:59 pm
    Wait I’m so confused Spöktuttar

    I don't even read jinx and I'm here cause this is funny and confusing as hell.

    (⊙…⊙ )

    but generally, there are four people, split them into two pairs, and there's aloha and the other super long name one. There are two people who are being aloha and two people who are being the other + safety advocate, who doesn't really advocate safety as they do irritation and stupidity.

    and that is all they're arguing about; who is the real aloha and who is the real other person.

    Just block all of them so they can't reply to your thread anymore because if any one of them says anything, ALL of them will come running; it's funny.

    轻轻落下来的叶子 April 29, 2024 9:01 pm
    Wait I’m so confused Spöktuttar

    the diamond person is a jinx supporter or pretending to be a jinx supporter in every way and form and if you ever say anything that is slightly wrong about jinx they'll insult you because they have the emotional intelligence of a supposed 35-year-old.

    Because 35-year-olds are supposed to 'educate' us on a pirating website.

    It's amazing.

    Safety Advocate April 29, 2024 9:52 pm
    Wait I’m so confused Spöktuttar

    轻轻落下来的叶子 claimed she spent 5 hours trying to understand this. How funny she got almost wrong.
    What is happening only immature and sadist people will find it funny. It is confusing.

    You have many sides but the main two are the targets which are more than 10 people and the cyberstalkers unknown amount but about 4 or 5 have impersonating their targets.

    I am standing with the targets. There is a cyberstalker impersonating me.
    At the moment I am aware of only one cloning me.
    Aloha has two.
    One user has 5 accounts coping them. One of them was the original name. The original is a target. One who is impersonating him is standing with him.

    I have be honest and explain that. I do advocate safety. So you know
    轻轻落下来的叶子 degrading me shows where her immatuiry. Aloha originally blocked for her some of things she said which was trying to gaslight Aloha. She took it personally has if she was called a gas lighter. Her actions are not her. I meant to return her message but life has been hectic. She blocked me when I can not explain. So that "irritation and stupidity" is just self-projection as I tried to help her understand.

    The true and explaining things are never irritation or stupid.

    轻轻落下来的叶子 is wrong about what is happening .. she said "that is all they're arguing about;"
    That dismisses the real issues of abuse and cyberstalking. The cyberstalkers don't agree with the truth or callouts they target people and spread lies because they feel stupid and exposed.
    They have targeted a group of people and since nothing worked about 5 of them started to impersonate them. They even tried to frame one of them due to their insecurities.
    They think if they said something outlandish as the impersonate one of us it would reflect on us and people will go after us. They are deperate and immature to push this hard on when they can't "troll" them. They have taken on full-time jobs just to impersonate their targets. This is not trolling.

    The cyberstalkers are trying to force off their targets and harm them. They are gaslighting and sharing false details of the events. They think they are getting to their targets but they have failed.

    "Just block all of them so they can't reply to your thread anymore because if any one of them says anything, ALL of them will come running; it's funny."

    It is not funny. The real ones would make a comment and the cyberstalkers would come running to harass them. The real ones will leave as the cyberstalkers will continue. I share the truth and so people will not be gaslighted but I don't talk to the cyberstalkers. I don't think it is how 轻轻落下来的叶子 claims. The real ones can't comment without being harassed. How would she feel if it happened to her? How would she feel if she was framed? I bet she will not find it funny as you wouldn't. The real ones are disappointed in the cyberstalkers and see right through their child antics. They find them to be cowards and embarrassing themselves. The cyberstalkers have always misunderstood the replies as they add emotions that are not there.

    Also again, to my knowledge, there are 5 accounts of diamonds.
    The real one is neutral with Jinx. He has not said that but after reading his replies and He has said he does not read toxic stories, you know he is neutral. He came him to stand up for his friends that was enduring cyberstalking. When he or others are attacked he will call out the attacker. he does not insult others, especially on Jinx.

    Cyberstalker 1 and 2 hates Jinx. The one 轻轻落下来的叶子 was talking about. At times they are pretending to be jinx supporters as they try to be real ones to defame the target. They will and have insulted many people here "That is slightly wrong about jinx they'll insult you because they have the emotional intelligence of a supposed 35-year-old." and more. However, they are using 37-year-old not 35.

    Cyberstalker 3 we believe hates jinx too. They have not be active in weeks.

    The one defending the target never shared an opinion.

    The real diamonds and friends have shared information to stop the fighting and back them up. That is okay. They are helping. 轻轻落下来的叶子 mocking that is not okay and what she said to you was not accurate. Her true colors have been revealed. She was not trying to help us as she pretended to.

    It's amazing.

    Safety Advocate April 29, 2024 9:58 pm
    轻轻落下来的叶子 claimed she spent 5 hours trying to understand this. How funny she got almost wrong. What is happening only immature and sadist people will find it funny. It is confusing. You have many... Safety Advocate

    omit It's amazing at the end that is from 轻轻落下来的叶子 last post.

    I copied and pasted both of 轻轻落下来的叶子 messages in a post to make my response. I deleted her sentences as I went through her messages. I thought I omitted that

    However I don't understand why 轻轻落下来的叶子 is saying this is arguing over who is who when that was never presented to her that way. The first she read of this was a warning saying there were cyberstalkers. She normalized cyberstalking. YUCK and finds harassment and stalking funny. CRINGE.

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 1:47 pm

    LMFAOOO HE'S SO PISSED OFF LOOL AT THE LENGTH OF THESE i can just taste the saltiness of his keyboard from all the tears that fell, that chinese character user took no one's side aka doesn't gaf and Morning diamonds aka SA took that so personally bahahahah i just know it ruined his whole month

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 1:50 pm

    Iirc the Chinese guy actually tried to reason with aloha who is another alt of Morning diamonds/Safety advocate they're all the same person and he STILL got offended bc he was told he shouldn't take silly impersonations to heart. Even if someone agrees or tries to understand that rape defender pedo he'ss STILL find a way to argue bhahahah

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 1:51 pm

    Imagine feeding trolls as a full time job CrIngE

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 2:14 pm

    No. what a joke.

    " can just taste the saltiness of his keyboard from all the tears that fell,"

    " Morning diamonds aka SA"

    "Iirc the Chinese guy actually tried to reason with aloha who is another alt of Morning diamonds/Safety advocate they're all the same person"

    " i just know it ruined his whole month"
    What a joke.

    "rape defender pedo"
    That is the cyberstalkers. Not their targets.

    "Imagine feeding trolls as a full time job "
    No. They are not trolls and I have not been doing what they have been doing for so long to claim I have full-time job. hahahaha

    Thanks for sharning that got to them as they countine their full-time job.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me April 30, 2024 2:16 pm
    This is so embarrassing for you And by the looks of it you did come back to your full time job feeding this drama and me, your biggest troll BAHAHHA