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fucking hell

daddy April 29, 2024 9:24 pm

mc is actually pissing me off, did he lose braincells or smth, does he not realize how weird the brother is and how he is now conveniently forgetting his husband?? any anger corror has will be justified and im ready to see it

    Phime April 30, 2024 1:55 am

    I agree, but at the same time he's being told all kinds of things from all different people. He doesn't know how things work here nor what any of the people are like other than Coro so in my opinion it makes sense that he thinks everything is ok when it isn't, especially when those sly sob brothers of his are trying to screw Coro over by tricking mc. It's a whole new society to mcm with dangerous people and he's been convinced he'd be ripped apart by anyone that isn't Coro or the brothers if he wasn't covered in the accent of someone he trusts. I'm also positive that him forgetting Coro is an effect of the miasma and not the mc being a dunce. The poor guy has had messed up thing after messed up thing happening to him since the day he met Coro, is no wonder his poor brain is getting all fried!