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This is so frustrating!!!

Ur_bisexual_bi*ch April 30, 2024 2:40 am

Honestly I'll be frank here, these two do not work well and I would much rather that they break up. Clearly Haesol doesn't harbour special romantic feelings, or even if she did, they're her own twisted version of love, which is not good for Yeonwoo.
Haesol is not in the mindspace to care for someone in a relationship, especially not someone like Yeonwoo who needs much more attention and reassurance than your average person because of his traumatic past.
If I had to compared, Haesol is like ice, someone who is really cool and calm on the outside but unfeeling inside (may be because of her past but I can't say for sure), while Yeonwoo is like a flame that needs love and assurance to keep burning. Both clearly enjoy how the other is different from them, but now that they've gotten too close to each other, they're hurting each other

Please just break up. Neither is ready to be emotionally vulnerable nor are they ready to sacrifice at times to make a relationship work. A relationship can't work on hopes and dreams and clearly neither of them is ready to actually put in effort into finding a compromise
