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It is enough.

Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 2:59 pm

This topic is not me but a cyberstalker pretending to me as they gaslight everything.

The one who responded is also the same person.
So and are the same cyberstalker with different accounts gaslighting everyone.

They need to stop. It is enough. We have explained the truth and many of us are no longer willing to continue with their full-time job harassing Morning Diamonds and us.

If we are correct. Only one person can be that cyberstalker.


    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 3:59 pm

    Aloha is the same cyberstalker. She is using all her alts to back her up as she pretends to be other users. She is even pretending to be a troll. There is no arguing on this page. Their targets are not even talking to them. BAHAHA. Cool story, bros.