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what’s the tea yall?!?! Safety Advanced or whatever is keep saying random things so I ne...

cooldude7766 May 1, 2024 2:25 am

what’s the tea yall?!?! Safety Advanced or whatever is keep saying random things so I need a short and sweet way to understand cause i’m not reading all that
Update: Never asking ever again. His friends and him are having some sort of psychotic break in my comment.

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:33 pm

    Cooddude7766 is most likely Baileybot and not new to this as they pretend to be. I am mad? Cool story. They mean they are mad and they are losers that needs to go touch grass. And keeping with the gaslighting is a red flag. I had nothing to the with cyberstalker Baileybot for over a month. She can't leave us alone. She is craving our attention. It is telling how Cooldude7766 is going with a lie and saying that is part of Baileybot's narrative when Baileybot did not share that information here. lol. This is why they are impersonating us and setting topics like this. They want to insult their targets with the lies the come up with. They are that pathetic and want to feel superior over someone. They want the fight but no one is willing to gave it to them. They have misunderstood their targets. Cooldude came off with too much anger to be someone new.

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:35 pm

    Cooddude7766 is most likely Baileybot and not new to this as they pretend to be. I am mad? Cool story. They mean they are mad and they are losers that needs to go touch grass. And keeping with the gaslighting is a red flag. I had nothing to the with cyberstalker Baileybot for over a month. She can't leave us alone. She is craving our attention. It is telling how Cooldude7766 is going with a lie and saying that is part of Baileybot's narrative when Baileybot did not share that information here. lol. This is why they are impersonating us and setting topics like this. They want to insult their targets with the lies the come up with. They are that pathetic and want to feel superior over someone. They want the fight but no one is willing to gave it to them. They have misunderstood their targets. Cooldude came off with too much anger to be someone new.

    Baileybot is self-projecting. I have been honest, there are no lies on my side lol. But Baileybot has revealed that about her many times.

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:37 pm
    ew not you blocking me to reply back to you goofy lapdog. Anyways, don’t need one tho already have one. You have too much time on ur hands tho. Mr.Making ATL account. cooldude7766

    LMAOOO IM STILL SUPRISED THERE'S A NEW PERSON SHITTING ON HIM EVERY DAY Fiy Im the impersonator he's talking about which he's been so mad about for months. I literally notice all the alts he creates because he has the exact same broken ai speech pattern, same old buzz words and phrases he uses and his sole full time job is spending hours composing novels defending his main accountS. Like a brand new account (Safety advocate in this case at the time, this happened 10+ times) pops out and knows 2 years of Morning diamonds (his main alt account) lore and literally dozens of users who he had argued with. And everything someone doesn't agree with his rape apologist grooming pedo views he just chalks them up to gaslighter trolls Again, welcome to the club of his ever growing block list <3

    BaileyBot April 30, 2024 11:40 pm


    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:54 pm

    NASCAR takes no talent, it's just turning left for 4 hours.
    Hey look they are turning left.
    Hey the are turning left again.
    left again.
    left again.
    Boring. Yawn.

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:37 pm:
    OMG he is mad for the same tactics. I just turn a left turn for the millionth time after 7 months. Look I took another left turn. I think I am making him mad but I am only embarassing myself. I am exposing I have no talent as I can only take left turns. i can only used the same gaslighting because I think it make him mad because I misunderstand him. I think everything as an reaction. I pretend I am troll with the same boring gaslighting. Hey I just took another left turn. I tried to make him mad by claiming he is mad when i am mad and I have to fabricate lies to even attack him. YAWN. We have to keep the same jokes and pretend they work. We have to make many people just one person because we can't handle more than one person. We are so obsessed with Morning Diamond who has never been mad. He has been disappoint. We have to pretend we are trolls when we know MD thinks trolls are cowards. If he thinks trolls are cowards then nothing works. That is why you have to push so hard and try to cyberstalk him with lies. You have to talk explanation as if he was mad. That is so pathetic and weak.
    He looks down on trolls. You never made him or any of his friends mad. They find people who trolls have no life and are coward that have to hurt someone to feel about themselves. His thinking Trolls= cowardly losers. That is why trolling does not work on him. That is why you never made him mad as want to believe. Long messages don't mean some one is upset. how stupid.

    Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 12:04 am

    His view is blurry from the tears from just last 3 days' comments he could have rewritten all of Harry Potter's books BABAHAHHAHA He knows himself the best: his full time job

    Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 12:06 am

    Readers I swear I just yawned!! I swear this is boring! I may have stated to be done engaging with them over 50 times (true story) but me still replying back does not make me take the troll's bait! I am laughing... through the pain!

    Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 12:07 am

    Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 12:04 am.
    What a stupid story they gaslighted themselves to believe.

    Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 12:07 am

    Here is my 7k essay on why I'm not mad:

    cooldude7766 May 1, 2024 12:59 am

    at this point, he’s having a psychotic break

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:03 am
    at this point, he’s having a psychotic break cooldude7766

    He's forevee in that constant state

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:09 am
    at this point, he’s having a psychotic break cooldude7766

    You wished. Look you took a left turn

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:10 am

    Only the cyberstalkers are in that constant state.

    Md, MD, Md where are you? Turn a left turn

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:16 am
    at this point, he’s having a psychotic break cooldude7766

    If they told you the earth was flat …. you would believe that them. Hook line and sinker. Where is your cognitive skills to know they were lying to you. Get a grip. They are the ones having a psychotic break. Everyone is MD! They can’t stop obsessing over him. They can’t handle being wrong or called out. They created accounts to impersonate him and frame him. This says you are one of them and projecting.

    Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 1:20 am
    at this point, he’s having a psychotic break cooldude7766

    Literally what's happening ^^^^^^^

    cooldude7766 May 1, 2024 1:23 am

    both of yall need to get the fuck out of my mention Asap. I’m done playing with yall. I’m bored of yall

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:23 am

    Literally what is happening with cool dude and the cyberstalkers. They are dense.
    Cool dude you are one of them. Stop playing. You love this.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:24 am

    That was the purpose of your bait topic. So you could come after us. You are not fooling anyone here.

    cooldude7766 May 1, 2024 1:25 am

    get the FUCK out of my mention. I ain’t finna wasting time no more. Ignoring yall. Get a job u schizo

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 1:26 am

    You are already bored with us? Try months of it and the other side claiming you are mad with it being boring. You are boring. The cyberstalkers are boring and they are too dense and desperate to get that. They have to make up bull shit like you did.