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i don't understand why u guys hate them edit : when i commented this i was just wondering...

simon May 4, 2024 7:48 am

i don't understand why u guys hate them

edit : when i commented this i was just wondering why yall hate them, i wasnt implying that theres no reason to. i dont rlly rmr what happened in this story which is why i don't understand but ill probably reread it

    darthlesbian May 2, 2024 5:00 pm

    Every story with love triangle is always controversial and get a lot of hate. I read a lot of love triangles cause I enjoy it, we just gotta learn to navigate through the hate, unfortunately.

    simon May 2, 2024 5:11 pm
    Every story with love triangle is always controversial and get a lot of hate. I read a lot of love triangles cause I enjoy it, we just gotta learn to navigate through the hate, unfortunately. darthlesbian

    this is not even a story with a love triangle plot since we knew they would end up together regardless bc they are the main characters. im thinking ppl have a different reason to dislike them and i would like to know what it is

    Meow Nyann May 2, 2024 5:35 pm
    this is not even a story with a love triangle plot since we knew they would end up together regardless bc they are the main characters. im thinking ppl have a different reason to dislike them and i would like t... simon

    People hate what happened in the main story. The MC was indecisive af, kept hurting the ML and the ML was too obsessed with the MC that he lost himself in the process.

    darthlesbian May 2, 2024 5:45 pm
    this is not even a story with a love triangle plot since we knew they would end up together regardless bc they are the main characters. im thinking ppl have a different reason to dislike them and i would like t... simon

    It was very obvious they would end up together, but still started as a LT and you can tell from the answer above that they hate exactly that Sunbae didn't immediately show undying loyalty to Ho-in because he was still in a very complicated relationship with someone else.

    Sntoryuu May 2, 2024 5:53 pm

    At this point they just hate for the sake of it.
    I already asked about this and nobody gave me a reasonable answer, they think ml cheated and hate Hoo-in for giving in

    Meow Nyann May 2, 2024 6:01 pm
    It was very obvious they would end up together, but still started as a LT and you can tell from the answer above that they hate exactly that Sunbae didn't immediately show undying loyalty to Ho-in because he wa... darthlesbian

    Your comment is so sarcastic and annoying. When MC slept with Taesoo for the last time they already had almost an establishing relationship and he admitted that he fucked up. People have the right to be angry at how things turned out in the main story and get annoyed at them. Their love is twisted and that’s always how the author interned it to be. We all know love isn’t always pure and rainbows and people are allowed to feel frustrated at it because again, that was the author’s whole intention. Hoin literally lost the light in his eyes and was going crazy because of his love for sunbae that even his friend was worried for him and hated how he had become. Their love was toxic. It’s not as simplified as you make them out to be. And I’m not here trying to argue about his complicated situation because this is a subjective matter to how people perceive how he handles the matter.

    Yellowcanary May 2, 2024 6:05 pm
    People hate what happened in the main story. The MC was indecisive af, kept hurting the ML and the ML was too obsessed with the MC that he lost himself in the process. Meow Nyann

    Not only did he lose himself he also got his best friend hurt multiple times like they aren’t good people

    Meow Nyann May 2, 2024 6:07 pm
    At this point they just hate for the sake of it.I already asked about this and nobody gave me a reasonable answer, they think ml cheated and hate Hoo-in for giving in Sntoryuu

    For me the side story was fine but the drama became repetitive and unnecessary to an extent. We want to see them move on since they’ve already had 100 chapters of trauma being centered but it seems like they always cycle back to square 1. But then again at this point people should just accept that their love was meant to be “broken” like that and they can never escape this cycle since MC is gonna take his last mistake to his grave. People “hating” on them are mostly just people who are frustrated with the couple.

    Meow Nyann May 2, 2024 6:10 pm
    Not only did he lose himself he also got his best friend hurt multiple times like they aren’t good people Yellowcanary

    Exactly this. TBH if in an irl situation, the victims would usually be the friend who was “thrown away” because of this whole love. And realistically speaking this happens often to people. People need to admit the love between the main couple are toxic and at the cost of other people who genuinely cared for them. I’ve literally been in the same situation as the friend where my own friend would treat me like the villain for not supporting her abusive love with her partner, and saying I should “stay in my own lane” so that’s how we lost an 8 year friendship.

    simon May 4, 2024 7:43 am
    At this point they just hate for the sake of it.I already asked about this and nobody gave me a reasonable answer, they think ml cheated and hate Hoo-in for giving in Sntoryuu

    yea thats what ive noticed

    Meow Nyann May 4, 2024 6:46 pm

    Damn is it the site’s new feature to delete previous comments once you edit your topic cause that sucks. Also you didn’t have to clarify yourself, I was merely answering to you question and the only got slightly ticked off at the other person who made shallow assumptions as to why people get annoyed at the main couple. But yeah I think it’s best you reread it for better clarification yourself :)