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It's almost as if WooWon's thoughts and opinions have no say in this relationship. The vis...

Qiu May 3, 2024 1:15 pm

It's almost as if WooWon's thoughts and opinions have no say in this relationship. The visual representation, by making Seoan stand on the top of the stairs while Woowon is at the bottom, meaning Seoan is the one who has the power here... damn.

    David May 3, 2024 1:23 pm

    I was just shocked about that too, but Seo A was more right than Woo Won. If your partner was in the same situation as Woo Won, you’d do the same thing as Seo A did. (Just coming from experience) I have more comments about this on other people below too haha

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 1:44 pm
    I was just shocked about that too, but Seo A was more right than Woo Won. If your partner was in the same situation as Woo Won, you’d do the same thing as Seo A did. (Just coming from experience) I have more ... David

    Nah, I wouldn’t have said those poor choice of words, nor would I have ran up to his family without his acknowledgement but that’s just me not as mentally ill as Seo-an, so whatever lol.

    As for Woowon, he’s def insecure to receive help from others as he’s always done it himself. No one is more right. They’re both wrong, because they both didn’t communicate as much, nor did Seo an did the right method

    cubi May 3, 2024 2:16 pm
    I was just shocked about that too, but Seo A was more right than Woo Won. If your partner was in the same situation as Woo Won, you’d do the same thing as Seo A did. (Just coming from experience) I have more ... David

    Doing something right would be to sit down with your partner, say "hey I've noticed this, we are a partnership and your burdens are my burdens and we can face them together" and come up with a way forward together that everyone agrees on, not breach your partners trust and secretly interfere with their family. It's controlling and violating and condescending. The reason this was impossible for Woowon and Seo-An is bc their relationship is built on the breaching of trust and violation and bc it's a story. But to imply that one character is 'more wrong' than the other and that what Seo-An did was 'more right' and 'you'd do the same'? That just isn't how relationships actually work.

    Qiu May 3, 2024 2:18 pm
    I was just shocked about that too, but Seo A was more right than Woo Won. If your partner was in the same situation as Woo Won, you’d do the same thing as Seo A did. (Just coming from experience) I have more ... David

    I would never go behind anyone's backs, never hack my partners phone, never say the things he said because that was condescending as fuck. One thing about me is I'm a big communicator, I wouldn't be Seoan nor Woowon in this.

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 2:23 pm
    Doing something right would be to sit down with your partner, say "hey I've noticed this, we are a partnership and your burdens are my burdens and we can face them together" and come up with a way forward toge... cubi

    Thank you! People with brain are online. No matter how difficult Woo’s situation may be, Seo-An has to get his consent, at least respect his consent god.

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 2:23 pm
    I would never go behind anyone's backs, never hack my partners phone, never say the things he said because that was condescending as fuck. One thing about me is I'm a big communicator, I wouldn't be Seoan nor W... Qiu

    Seo an hacked Woo’s phone?

    Qiu May 3, 2024 10:32 pm
    Seo an hacked Woo’s phone? HRAensn

    Yes, if you go back a few chapters the second Woowon gets a call from his father Seoan's phone buzzes