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Meows May 3, 2024 10:09 pm

Let's hope people who haven't read the raws won't hate Skylar next chapter like some of the other people

    hatdiggitydog May 3, 2024 10:30 pm

    honestly speaking skylar deserves to be a lil hated for what he did, ik cirrus is equally to blame for this situation but physical abuse is never the answer. especially bc after what happened they never talked about it and brushed over it with skylar not giving a sincere apology, it does not make him look good at all. yes i remember skylar's trauma and he has the right to feel that way but to go so far as punching the shit out of him after cirrus was begging for reassurance, that's just cruel....

    diavolos_spicy_to3s May 3, 2024 11:55 pm
    honestly speaking skylar deserves to be a lil hated for what he did, ik cirrus is equally to blame for this situation but physical abuse is never the answer. especially bc after what happened they never talked ... hatdiggitydog

    No he does not, Cirrus started it first without even asking a question, how the hell was he supposed to reassure him when he didn't even know he needed reassurance, didn't know Skylar could read fucking minds now. Honestly, from what I'm getting from the comments his reaction is reasonable, plus Skylar has always been quick to throw hands, let's not forget

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 12:40 am
    No he does not, Cirrus started it first without even asking a question, how the hell was he supposed to reassure him when he didn't even know he needed reassurance, didn't know Skylar could read fucking minds n... diavolos_spicy_to3s

    omg this is embarrassing for you please don't talk when you obviously have not read or understood the chapters. you say he didn't know cirrus needed reassurance? have you read the last few english chapters??? cirrus has been feeling nervous and like skylar doesn't care for him, he's literally said it in multiple chapters that he needs reassurance directly to skylar's face. then, in the next chapter cirrus literally begs skylar and tells him please tell me you like me don't leave me, and skylar proceeds to yell at him for asking for reassurance, then punches the shit out of cirrus to shut him up for bringing up minwoo by accident when he didn't even know anything about skylar's trauma. so tell me please how skylar's reaction is reasonable??? no the fuck it isn't??? since when the FUCK is it reasonable to beat the shit out of your partner???

    Meows May 4, 2024 1:00 am
    honestly speaking skylar deserves to be a lil hated for what he did, ik cirrus is equally to blame for this situation but physical abuse is never the answer. especially bc after what happened they never talked ... hatdiggitydog

    People have the right to their own opinion, but Cirrus has hurt Skylar as well if not way worse than just a punch. Yes, it was wrong, but they both have done shitty things to each other. If you hate Skylar for punching Cirrus, do you also hate Cirrus for his actions towards Skylar? They both apologized as well, so there's no reason to hate either of them at this point in the story.

    Meows May 4, 2024 1:06 am
    omg this is embarrassing for you please don't talk when you obviously have not read or understood the chapters. you say he didn't know cirrus needed reassurance? have you read the last few english chapters??? c... hatdiggitydog

    That literally isn't what happened tho. Cirrus accused him of liking Chan-il still, which annoyed him since he put in a lot of effort in their relationship despite how it appeared. Cirrus kept going at it, so Skylar agreed. Cirrus realized what he said and freaked out, and then started to try and get a reaction out of him by bringing up Skylar's old trauma and purposefully trying to get a rise out of him.

    Well, it worked. It triggered Skylar, and it isn't defending him, but the reason he punched Cirrus was because he has PTSD and fight or flight is something that comes from it. You seem very biased on Cirrus' side, and that's fine since he's probably your favorite character.

    Both of them were purposefully saying stuff to hurt each other, Skylar shouldn't have punched him, but on the other hand, Cirrus shouldn't have triggered him. He KNEW that something happened to Skylar to make him not want to be open with their relationship but he kept pushing his boundaries even AFTER Skylar told him to stop several times.

    They're teenagers in high school. They're going to be messy, especially in a story where trauma makes them hurt other people.

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 1:13 am
    People have the right to their own opinion, but Cirrus has hurt Skylar as well if not way worse than just a punch. Yes, it was wrong, but they both have done shitty things to each other. If you hate Skylar for ... Meows

    i'm not saying that skylar is all wrong and cirrus is all right. what cirrus did is completely wrong but it does not warrant a literal beating?? skylar had every right to be mad at him and ignore him and leave, yet he did not have the right to beat him up? that's what i've been trying to say, after how pathetic cirrus groveled in front of skylar and begged, skylar's immediate reaction is to beat him which is what makes it worse on his part.

    Meows May 4, 2024 1:18 am
    i'm not saying that skylar is all wrong and cirrus is all right. what cirrus did is completely wrong but it does not warrant a literal beating?? skylar had every right to be mad at him and ignore him and leave,... hatdiggitydog

    Skylar only punched him when Cirrus purposefully brought up his trauma. He was having a flashback. Does that make it okay? No. But that's the truth.

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 1:27 am
    That literally isn't what happened tho. Cirrus accused him of liking Chan-il still, which annoyed him since he put in a lot of effort in their relationship despite how it appeared. Cirrus kept going at it, so S... Meows

    cirrus didn't accuse him of liking chan-il tho, from the direct translation cirrus says "do you still like chan-il? if you do why are you dating me is it because you can't date him?". that's not an accusation he's asking this hoping for reassurance from skylar, which he doesn't get.

    cirrus wasn't bringing up his trauma to get a reaction huh?? he didn't know skylar has trauma from minwoo? he didn't know anything except for a picture he saw of skylar and some other guy he doesn't know. cirrus was responding to skylar's yelling by asking him about what happened, if minwoo was his past boyfriend and if that's why he doesn't want to be seen in public. that wasn't cirrus trying to push skylar, his words weren't malicious or taunting, he was genuinely asking. that was him wanting an explanation for why skylar acts like this towards him. and since you assumed no cirrus is not my favorite character it actually used to be skylar but now i don't have one after what happened.

    you say cirrus shouldn't have triggered him, i don't understand that because cirrus did not know the extent of any of skylar's trauma bc skylar has never opened up to him about this. cirrus wouldn't have known it was triggering skylar since he was literally begging and trying to find any way for skylar to explain why he doesn't reassure him. cirrus did not know that skylar had past trauma, he was assuming a scenario bc of a photograph he saw.

    and your justification of skylar's beating is not right, skylar has anger issues and that's been depicted before a lot in the story. that's why he punches cirrus. the scene before the punching shows skylar already pissed and yelling even before the mention of minwoo. he was already angry and cirrus didn't know he was pushing his buttons by pathetically begging and grasping at straws for an explanation.

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 1:35 am
    Skylar only punched him when Cirrus purposefully brought up his trauma. He was having a flashback. Does that make it okay? No. But that's the truth. Meows

    you keep saying purposefully that's completely wrong. if cirrus knew a single bit about any of skylar's trauma, cirrus would never have been asking him for a kiss at school even in a private room. he did not know be for real...

    Meows May 4, 2024 1:38 am
    cirrus didn't accuse him of liking chan-il tho, from the direct translation cirrus says "do you still like chan-il? if you do why are you dating me is it because you can't date him?". that's not an accusation h... hatdiggitydog

    Cirrus asked him about the guy(Minwoo) in the yearbook. He then went and asked if they dated and that's the reason why Skylar doesn't like being open in their relationship. Skylar told him to stop, he continued. He KNEW something happened to make Skylar uncomfortable being open, and he used that to make him upset.

    Cirrus, like Skylar, is no stranger to saying things to hurt other's feelings. He himself was hurt by Skylar's "confession" and they were both saying shitty things to each other.

    Also, that is still sort of accusing Skylar of liking Chan-il still. Yes, Skylar shouldn't have agreed to it, but Cirrus literally just whipped a cup at him as hard as he could

    Meows May 4, 2024 1:51 am
    you keep saying purposefully that's completely wrong. if cirrus knew a single bit about any of skylar's trauma, cirrus would never have been asking him for a kiss at school even in a private room. he did not kn... hatdiggitydog

    He had assumed it was because Skylar was outed before. If that was what he thought, why push Skylar to be intimate in public when he knew it made him uncomfortable?

    Cirrus has done this before, saying things to Skylar to upset him. Literally in that same chapter he whipped a cup at Skylar to hurt him on purpose. He is no saint.

    Skylar has also said things to people to hurt them as well. That's exactly what they were doing to each other. Literally within the next 1-2 chapters they BOTH APOLOGIZED and accepted each other's apologies. If you no longer like either of the characters then clearly this story isn't right for you. Especially when this season in particular is about their growth.

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 1:51 am
    Cirrus asked him about the guy(Minwoo) in the yearbook. He then went and asked if they dated and that's the reason why Skylar doesn't like being open in their relationship. Skylar told him to stop, he continued... Meows

    cirrus did not KNOW something happened you keep saying that but there is nothing that shows that he did know. he was caught up in the moment of spitting out a word vomit of anything that would get skylar to talk to him bc he wasn't in that moment.

    and again, cirrus didn't use it to make him upset, he didn't even know the extent of his trauma. cirrus couldn't afford making skylar even more upset after he was just yelling at him and about to leave him. cirrus is scared of everyone in his life leaving him, it would make no sense for him to piss skylar off even worse bc he's scared of skylar leaving. that's why it's very clear he was pathetically begging for an explanation, even through the translation it shows.

    and that was a plastic chocolate drink from a convenience store, and that wasn't even what pissed off skylar he was pissed off at the phone thing cirrus did. and if you wanna use a plastic cup as an excuse, skylar did just punch cirrus so fucking hard in his forehead that he got a bruised bump , and didn't even apologise for it so now it's fair no?

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 1:59 am
    He had assumed it was because Skylar was outed before. If that was what he thought, why push Skylar to be intimate in public when he knew it made him uncomfortable? Cirrus has done this before, saying things to... Meows

    he didn't know skylar was outed are you serious??? we get it skylar's your favorite that doesn't mean you can keep tryna push cirrus to be the villian who purposefully is making skylar uncomfortable at school when he clearly didn't know.

    he threw a plastic cup at skylar bc he saw his boyfriend who had just punched him in his forehead standing and blushing with his ex-crush, but won't even stand 3 feet near skylar at school in front of their friends. he had every right to throw him a drink he got him EVEN when cirrus was mad at skylar who hadn't apologised for the punch?

    ohh hell no be fucking for real....cirrus gave a sincere apology on the phone and explanation of why he did what he did with skylar's phone, and even said he'd wait for skylar to have feelings for him if he didn't and skylar never apologised until he saw cirrus bleeding at his house, to which he gave a half-assed "i'm sorry" with no other explanation or show of sincerity and continued making out with him.....

    your bias is clearly showing, bc it's crazy how you won't let each character take accountability but just prefer to push the blame onto one character to justify literal physical abuse bro what

    Meows May 4, 2024 2:00 am
    cirrus did not KNOW something happened you keep saying that but there is nothing that shows that he did know. he was caught up in the moment of spitting out a word vomit of anything that would get skylar to tal... hatdiggitydog

    Actually, Skylar didn't punch Cirrus to give him that bump on the forehead. Someone walked in on them before they kissed, and he pushed Cirrus into the ball pit and a cone fell on his head.

    Cirrus was rightfully upset by that, he later on threw the cup at Skylar on purpose which DID anger Skylar as he looked very angry saying "Why'd you throw that at me? You could have handed it to me." Cirrus was still angry at him for being too close to Chan-il, so he started to ask him if he was a second choice.

    Pissed off, Skylar agreed which caused the feud between them. Skylar only punched Cirrus out of a trauma response. It doesn't make it right, but you're completely wrong and giving Cirrus way too much credit as if he didn't do horrible shit to Skylar for 80+ chapters. Saying Cirrus would "never do that" is crazy because he literally did exactly that.

    That doesn't make him a bad person. He later realizes he was wrong and apologized first which is amazing character development. If Cirrus knew he was wrong, you can't deny it either.

    Meows May 4, 2024 2:11 am
    he didn't know skylar was outed are you serious??? we get it skylar's your favorite that doesn't mean you can keep tryna push cirrus to be the villian who purposefully is making skylar uncomfortable at school w... hatdiggitydog

    He literally did know... He asked Skylar directly if him and Minwoo were dating and they got outed. Skylar's response verified that and he kept digging at it.

    If he didn't want to hurt Skylar, why'd he keep digging and pushing after Skylar said stop more than once? Oh, yeah. Right. Because he isn't a saint.

    Skylar's trauma response doesn't make him a bad person, you're twisting everything around to make Skylar the worst person alive and Cirrus the complete victim in that scenario when that just wasn't the case. Maybe you need to reread that chapter because you're saying things that apparently didn't happen when they quite literally did and I'm staring at the panels as we speak.

    Also, Cirrus forgave him before he even apologized. Let's not forget all Cirrus did was say sorry for sexually assaulting him and no more than that. And that's fine, because he meant the apology. Skylar's body language said it all. Don't read the story if you don't understand the main characters in it.

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 2:12 am
    Actually, Skylar didn't punch Cirrus to give him that bump on the forehead. Someone walked in on them before they kissed, and he pushed Cirrus into the ball pit and a cone fell on his head. Cirrus was rightfull... Meows

    umm please go reread chapter 99. in multiple panels it's shown that SKYLAR was holding that orange cone in his hands, and literally threw it at cirrus's head in order to hide him in the ball pit. SKYLAR did it, the cone didn't magically appear and fall on cirrus's head. this just shows how badly you don't want skylar to be at fault bro.

    yes the current cirrus would NEVER do that. he would not risk losing the 1 person he has in his whole life?? are you serious why are you comparing past shitty manipulative cirrus to the current cirrus who has feelings for skylar and doesn't want to lose him? season 1 cirrus would do even more horrible shit, but season 3 cirrus would not do any of the shit you seem to be talking about??

    again, skylar punched him out of anger and due to his anger issues that we've seen multiple times throughout the story. also, what did cirrus apologise for?? oh right, FOR THE TEXT MESSAGES HE DELETED ON SKYLAR'S PHONE. he didn't apologise for the minwoo incident bc again HE DID NOT KNOW. if he did, he would've apologised for it because he was mature enough to admit he was wrong.

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 2:15 am
    He literally did know... He asked Skylar directly if him and Minwoo were dating and they got outed. Skylar's response verified that and he kept digging at it. If he didn't want to hurt Skylar, why'd he keep dig... Meows

    i am not repeating any of what i said because you seem to be twisting my words when i am also quite literally staring at chapter 101 and reading from it.

    your understanding of the story is as biased as your love for skylar who you seem to put on a pedestal and want to justify everything he did on falsifying cirrus's intentions even tho the translation is on google right there for you to read from. have a good day this was a terrible conversation with you.

    Meows May 4, 2024 2:17 am
    umm please go reread chapter 99. in multiple panels it's shown that SKYLAR was holding that orange cone in his hands, and literally threw it at cirrus's head in order to hide him in the ball pit. SKYLAR did it,... hatdiggitydog

    He apologized for starting the argument. Period.

    Meows May 4, 2024 2:19 am
    i am not repeating any of what i said because you seem to be twisting my words when i am also quite literally staring at chapter 101 and reading from it. your understanding of the story is as biased as your lov... hatdiggitydog

    Explaining Skylar's behavior isn't the same as saying it was okay, like you're doing with Cirrus. Meanwhile, you're somehow twisting it to make Cirrus appear as if he took no part in the argument they had. Looking back, he most certainly did accuse Skylar of those things.

    "The person you want to erase the most. The person who gave you the worst memories."

    Skylar says stop.

    "Were you two dating? Did the whole school find out? Is that why you had to move here?"

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 2:21 am
    He apologized for starting the argument. Period. Meows

    you just ignored everything i said because i proved you wrong how nice....

    he apologised for the texts, because he literally says i'm sorry about what i did bc chan-il makes me nervous yada yada...

    again, have a good day and i'm not responding anymore