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Dress embroidery!!!

Little Tsukune May 4, 2024 11:12 pm

I do embroidery and aaaa!!! I always love it when embroidery is featured in mangas and stories but even more so when it’s set in modern times!! Theoretically it would’ve taken a lot of sleepless nights to do that in a few weeks, even more if they took breaks, just saying from experience since I’ve been doing it for a few years. I still love it and the design is cute!!!

    Lipilu May 4, 2024 11:34 pm

    What you do mean? It looks like just a simple stem and satin stitch. Just big enough to cover the shoulder would take a few days. My auntie would whip it out in a couple of hrs.

    Little Tsukune May 5, 2024 12:22 am
    What you do mean? It looks like just a simple stem and satin stitch. Just big enough to cover the shoulder would take a few days. My auntie would whip it out in a couple of hrs. Lipilu

    It might be because I’m slow and a procrastinator. But with someone with a job/school it will take a while. It also depends (if it’s a 6-strand thread) how many strands they do. The more strands makes it look weird on the ends in terms of the line (I’m horrible at describing it) and makes it look a little bumpy if you use less it’s more blended and smoother and cleaner. I know it’s just the drawing and I’m over analyzing it. I will say a few weeks may have been exaggerated, but there’s two of them, so for sure it will take a while.

    Lipilu May 5, 2024 4:56 am
    It might be because I’m slow and a procrastinator. But with someone with a job/school it will take a while. It also depends (if it’s a 6-strand thread) how many strands they do. The more strands makes it lo... Little Tsukune

    Ah maybe I just get too hyperfixated but I always try to finish that one part to completion. I've brought it all with me to work btw classes and breaks... sometimes during *coughs*. I actually just finished some lily of the valley for a bag I'm giving my mum soon (serendipitous I know). Personally took 2 days even with 2-strand but you could also use another needle to smooth out the thread when using more right before you thread it through for a more even surface. Course, I kinda cheated a little using cast on for the actual flowers but it would've taken maybe an extra day more.
    My aunt has been used to needlework since she was 7-8 so she's really quick and doesn't even need to sketch on a pattern like I do. I don't think it's impossible to for someone to finish that in a day. I know she could! Even with her failing eyesight, I still believe she's faster than I ever will be ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Little Tsukune May 5, 2024 2:58 pm
    Ah maybe I just get too hyperfixated but I always try to finish that one part to completion. I've brought it all with me to work btw classes and breaks... sometimes during *coughs*. I actually just finished som... Lipilu

    Wow! 7-8?? I did it back when I was a sophomore in highschool but i didn’t really start getting into it until my senior year (right now actually) because I somehow got into an AP Art class. The teacher really wanted me in her class even if I had never been in art class before. I had shown her an among us piece I had made for my little brother, and it was a 12in hoop and that was my first time actually making an image and it was just a simple satin stitch. It was a struggle and it took up most of my time during and after school. I was getting overwhelmed because embroidery took me so long especially because I can’t draw so I couldn’t do fancy like work of people. I had to get creative and use different media like felt fabric so I ended up discovering 3D embroidery and using wire to make the art relief more. But because embroidery burnt me out it because I was constantly having to finish pieces it would take me a lot longer to finish pieces. The only reason I finish them is because I have a deadline. Now I’m starting to do things I want without the pressure and I’m getting back to enjoying it, so i don’t think I want to go through this stress again in college art so I might do theatre. Sorry for rambling it’s just nice to see someone else who does embroidery. Since I’m so young, older women come up to me and say “My mom/grandma did that.” Or its “a lost art.” Honestly makes me happy to get those though!

    Lipilu May 5, 2024 6:05 pm
    Wow! 7-8?? I did it back when I was a sophomore in highschool but i didn’t really start getting into it until my senior year (right now actually) because I somehow got into an AP Art class. The teacher really... Little Tsukune

    Ramble away! I really enjoy talking about it also! My whole family is really crafty; my sis sews, my mum knits and the same aunt also makes these beautiful crocheted clothes. Funny you mention the drawing bc that's where I got stuck also. I tried it when I was younger but got frustrated and accepted that I just wasn't very artistic. Now, I just mesh together what I like from different pics online and use transfer paper or the water soluble mesh.
    I only got into embroidery again about 6yrs ago. Particularly bc I found 3d woven embroidery and I loved the textile feeling! My aunt only does traditional silk embroidery and although beautiful, it's still really overwhelming for me. Most times, she doesn't even use a hoop or frame! It's just enough force to thread through without bunching the fabric! Boggles my mind she can do that at the speed she goes.
    Tbh planning and choosing out the colors take the longest for me and I dread it. I took 2 weeks just testing out different colors and flowers for that bag I was talking about. Actually working once everything is decided is much quicker. But already, I've decided to marry someone who can draw and sew so I can focus on embroidery only (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    Anyways, I totally get feeling overwhelmed and burnout. Don't force it go your own pace. Hobbies are meant to be (mostly) enjoyable. Taking breaks are good too... especially for your wrists. Both mum and auntie have arthritis #-.-)

    Little Tsukune May 6, 2024 12:49 am
    Ramble away! I really enjoy talking about it also! My whole family is really crafty; my sis sews, my mum knits and the same aunt also makes these beautiful crocheted clothes. Funny you mention the drawing bc th... Lipilu

    I love the feeling of a bunch of French knots!! It feels so relaxing! I never got into art because my younger sister was the artist of the siblings so I did choir instead then I didn’t enjoy it anymore as was just floating around. I wanted to do other art things so I loved my art class where I can experiment with different medias, but I always stuck to embroidery and like 90% on my artworks had some sort of embroidery because that’s all I’m good at. After thinking it over I think I’m going to just do embroidery as a hobby and avoid that art class in college. The stress was killing me and I was putting more effort into that than my core classes. College is gonna be rough and I’d prefer to stress more about the main classes than the electives. Plus, I’d probably have to buy my materials and I am not wanting to spend more money than I have to. But i can’t really draw too well and I’m even worse at shading my work but I’m slowly trying to see what works and what doesn’t. It’s not the colors I have trouble debating over but it’s if I have the right colors currently at my disposal. Usually i don’t even though I have a lot of colors already. I even have metallic thread and it’s pretty- but also pretty difficult to work with….

    Lipilu May 6, 2024 1:48 am
    I love the feeling of a bunch of French knots!! It feels so relaxing! I never got into art because my younger sister was the artist of the siblings so I did choir instead then I didn’t enjoy it anymore as was... Little Tsukune

    I swear just getting supplies is a hobby of it's own! I might end up on hoarders one day. Whoever says making things yourself is cheaper is a liar! I count my labor as free and still the mat cost is high! If you can find a group of crafters to split the cost of buying bulk and then swapping colors, do it!
    You could also try a hand at tambour embroidery. They use a lot of metallic floss for their beadwork but it does take getting used to. They use a small crochet hook to practically weave beads in. It's nice but I don't have any mesh or thin fabric nor beads so I haven't taken it up yet.
    Funnily enough I actually embroider to relieve the stress I get from classes. Once I have everything, it's pretty mindless work for me. But yeah totally get trying other hobbies and interests. I mean, your thread won't run away; it'll be there when you need it!

    Little Tsukune May 6, 2024 2:22 am
    I swear just getting supplies is a hobby of it's own! I might end up on hoarders one day. Whoever says making things yourself is cheaper is a liar! I count my labor as free and still the mat cost is high! If yo... Lipilu

    I’m like a hobby collector. I have needle felting, beads, crochet, scrapbooking, but I mostly stick to embroidery. I never thought people could swap colors, guess I’d just need to look. I just saw a video on tambour embroidery, I might look into it some more. And I can see how you get lost in embroidery, it is a stress reliever. It gives you time to be alone with your thoughts to organize them. I usually listen to music or watch anime while I do it, but when I’m really upset it’s just me and the embroidery. :3