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Anyone have spoilers?????

soie_yoie May 6, 2024 4:02 am

Damn....... I'm on chapter 44 out of 122 and I still feel like it's not going anywhere. I have so many questions.....

1) why does ml always smell like an omega? Is he an omega disguise as an alpha?
2) who killed mc????
3) what is MC and ML's back story??? There seems to be hints that they may have met before.
4) who was bonded to ml before mc?

Has anyone finished the novel?

    SIOPRO May 6, 2024 7:46 am

    Can you tell me where you read the novel

    shithead May 6, 2024 9:34 am

    where did you read it please

    Miya May 6, 2024 10:32 am

    Ml, does that mean blonde us top??

    Miya May 6, 2024 10:32 am

    Ml, does that mean blonde is top??(⊙…⊙ )

    soie_yoie May 6, 2024 1:28 pm
    Ml, does that mean blonde us top?? Miya

    No. blond is the bottom.

    soie_yoie May 6, 2024 1:29 pm
    soie_yoie May 6, 2024 3:44 pm
    Can you tell me where you read the novel SIOPRO


    Ml has an Omega lover his subordinate.

    SIOPRO May 6, 2024 5:47 pm
    *Spoilers*Ml has an Omega lover his subordinate. soie_yoie

    What?? Then is he still in love?? How will the romance develop? Why did he ask the mc to marry him? Does ml not like his other omega or is it the opposite?? Can you tell me everything

    soie_yoie May 6, 2024 8:14 pm
    What?? Then is he still in love?? How will the romance develop? Why did he ask the mc to marry him? Does ml not like his other omega or is it the opposite?? Can you tell me everything SIOPRO

    ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ *spoilers*

    Ok I was wrong. I jumped the gun because of all the hints........ So first of the story is mc's pov. Then during his death it's ml's pov. After that when mc's regression. It's MC's pov again.

    *First timeline MC's pov up till his death*
    Which isn't the truth but what mc discovered so he believed was true.

    1) Mc learned that ml had an omega bond but was broken. Mc didn't know who it was but was afraid to ask.
    2)Ml always had an particular omega smell on him from his subordinate omega.
    3) Mc and ml both were poisoned. Mc learned it was a fake poison plot. Ml pretended to give me the only antidote while ml suffered from side effects. It was a lie. Not really poisen but this plot gave me lots of perks.
    A) MC's trust
    B) got MC to turn on the powerful nobles
    C) got MC to allow ml's military into the territory.
    D) also access to the castle when ml wanted.
    4) ml notted in MC to make a baby. Which MC was happy until he realized every puzzle pieces falling together.
    A) poisoning was a scam for power
    B) ml's background any why he wants revenge.
    C) ml was never sincere because he always had an omega pheromones on him and on his bed.
    D) ml gave MC a choice. Give birth and marry by co-ruling or sign over compensation and give the baby ml's name but rights to the throne. Mc is still bonded with the first partner so he knew regardless he was going to die during childbirth and give ml the rights to the throne both ways. Regardless of outcome MC was going to die so he took all the abortion pills at once before bed and died.

    Then the real truth is revealed. But damn I was so against ml too at MC's pov.

    Fox spirit May 7, 2024 3:16 am
    ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ *spoilers*Ok I was wrong. I jumped the gun because of all the hints........ So first of the story is mc's pov. Then during his death it's ml's pov. After that when mc's regression. It's MC's po... soie_yoie

    So ML never cared for the uke? Will uke be able to change things?

    soie_yoie May 7, 2024 4:16 am
    So ML never cared for the uke? Will uke be able to change things? Fox spirit

    So during mc's dying scene. Ml's pov was revealed.

    Mc (16) and ml (13) met as kids. Both were tricked by the Duke. Mc was depressed after his parents died. Went to dukes villa to recouperate without aids (so Duke could take advantage of mc without any obstacles)

    Mc started showing signs of apparition of 2nd gender. It was very painful and mc didn't know anything because he always thought he was a beta so no omega education. Duke tricked mc to do a one side bond. Duke told mc that a bond will make the heat go easier but that was a lie. Mc ran and ml found him at a log cabin. Ml is a family branch of the Duke so he lived nearby.

    Duke had told ml before the same thing that bonding will help omega heat. It will ease the pain. So ml bonded with mc hoping to help mc

    (Fyi bonding is just biting so mc and ml didn't do anything beyond biting)

    Mc -> bit Duke. One sided bond to Duke
    Ml -> bit mc. One sided bond to mc.

    You can tell when someone is bonded but you can't tell to who. So Duke framed ml, saying ml forced bond with mc. They caused ml's family to be accused of treason. ml's parents were hung and ml was banished. Mc was unconscious for days so he didn't know what happened till after. Duke also locked MC for months raping him

    So ml always wanted revenge. Ml always has to have an omega pheromones on him because if he spends too much time with MC's pheromones he will be bonded again. So ml isn't cheating.

    Ml does love mc but he has to kill MC. His omega subordinate grew up together. The omegas dad was a knight commander and died with ml's dad but horribly. Limbs cut, tongue cut, then head cut so omega wants mc dead.

    Ml was surprised by MC's personality. Loved his childishness. He started making excuses to not kill MC. Kinda love but in denial. At the end of MC's life. Ml cried and told Dr to do anything to save MC but too much blood was lost. This is why mc decided to save ml in the 2nd life.

    Fox spirit May 7, 2024 6:16 am

    Wow, that’s intense. So will the uke remember everything in the second life? I hope he kills that Duke rapist mothafucker

    soie_yoie May 7, 2024 7:57 am
    Wow, that’s intense. So will the uke remember everything in the second life? I hope he kills that Duke rapist mothafucker Fox spirit

    Yes. Mc remembers and he remembered that before he died ml tried to save him and cried. Mc wakes up at first thinking it's a dream but realized it's regression.

    This time mc wants to save ml"s family and ml.

    First timeline the Duke tried to do a murder/ suicide with MC but ml saved mc. Duke tried to escape but falls break his neck and become paralyzed.

    2nd time line. I'm not done yet but ...... I think there's a third timeline because mc is dying again

    Anyway 2nd time line Duke back to his old schemes again. Tried to sneak into MC's bedroom and rape him but mc broke a glass and pierced his eye. Duke was imprisoned without anyone knowing because Duke sneaked into MC's bedroom without anyone's knowledge. Duke is locked up for 12 yrs in the dungeon. Tongue cut out. Limbs tied to bars with a thorn crown. A broken ankle.

    Mc can't kill Duke till imprint is broken. If Duke dies before that MC will go into pheromone shock and could die.

    SIOPRO May 7, 2024 10:08 am
    So during mc's dying scene. Ml's pov was revealed.Mc (16) and ml (13) met as kids. Both were tricked by the Duke. Mc was depressed after his parents died. Went to dukes villa to recouperate without aids (so Duk... soie_yoie

    Oh dang. Thanks, does sound interesting but too complicated with many plot twists.

    Fox spirit May 8, 2024 2:44 am
    Yes. Mc remembers and he remembered that before he died ml tried to save him and cried. Mc wakes up at first thinking it's a dream but realized it's regression.This time mc wants to save ml"s family and ml.Firs... soie_yoie

    Oh no, so he regressed to a time where he was already imprinted I thought it was before that and he would imprint ML

    soie_yoie May 8, 2024 5:25 am
    Oh no, so he regressed to a time where he was already imprinted I thought it was before that and he would imprint ML Fox spirit

    Yes. Mc is 29 In a body of a 16yr old. He loves ml but ml is 13. Mc is grossed out by the age.

    They start the relationship again at the same as they meet. Ml (26), Mc (29)

    Fox spirit May 9, 2024 4:54 am
    Yes. Mc is 29 In a body of a 16yr old. He loves ml but ml is 13. Mc is grossed out by the age. They start the relationship again at the same as they meet. Ml (26), Mc (29) soie_yoie

    Wait, I am lost. Was MC still imprinted by the rapist? If he regressed, could he escape that?

    soie_yoie May 9, 2024 5:10 am
    Wait, I am lost. Was MC still imprinted by the rapist? If he regressed, could he escape that? Fox spirit

    Mc couldn't escape it. When he regressed, he went back before ml imprinted on him but mc was already imprinted by the Duke.

    I did enjoy how their relationship started at the same time in each timeline. Mc (29) and ml (26)

    Fox spirit May 9, 2024 6:09 am

    Yeah, I am just sad about the rapist still imprinting him :/

    soie_yoie May 9, 2024 6:27 am
    Yeah, I am just sad about the rapist still imprinting him :/ Fox spirit

    Don't worry Duke can't touch mc in the 2nd time line and his ending is pretty bloody