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If the series feels too dragged out, just stop following the updates and wait until it end...

Apathetic_fluffball May 6, 2024 1:08 pm

If the series feels too dragged out, just stop following the updates and wait until it ends
I thought it was common knowledge that it feels worse when you have to wait weeks for a story that you're not even enjoying that much
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Empress Zia May 28, 2024 10:21 pm

    Lolololol that's literally me right now I first started reading this in high school and after awhile took a break to read the book and let the updates stack since they were taking forever. I low-key forgot about it, but when I finally came to check back everybody in the comments was talking about how the plot was falling apart and I decided to just wait and haven't been back till just now. Lol I just came to finally do a check up and it looks like imma have to take another hiatus. It's been years, but that's cool I can wait a couple more.