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This whole relationship is pretty suss. The controlling, possessiveness and distrust from...

Avora May 8, 2024 1:05 am

This whole relationship is pretty suss. The controlling, possessiveness and distrust from the top has him a red flag already and he's now also coercive sexually - this is an unhealthy relationship guys. It's going to get worse I believe and its subtle just like in real life. I hope this is what the author is going for rather than this all being good and healthy. If they're going for depicting the subtle start of abuse they've nailed it, if they're glorifying this and think it's good..... that's concerning. We'll see.

    kookie May 8, 2024 3:30 am


    trixiepop May 8, 2024 4:21 am

    Yeah. I'm gonna see how the next few chapters go. But this was concerning.

    lexi491625 May 8, 2024 4:38 am

    agree. its been a few red flags but that last scene really nailed it in the coffin. maybe it was a long term crush on one side but its looking like possessive obsession on the other...

    Lee May 9, 2024 10:20 pm

    Yeah I was really enjoying it until he started getting controlling and the last chapter was just really not it for me :/ If it’s not meant to be him being subtly abusive & ignoring boundaries then that’s really disappointing and I really don’t understand why so many authors think someone ignoring a partner revoking consent is attractive or something to be brushed off :/ Gonna stick it out and hope he gets put in his place and gets better, but if not I’m gonna be pretty sad bc I was liking the story until then :(