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SIR WAS CRAZY FOR THAT (i love him sorry)

#1 jeno luvr !! May 9, 2024 4:55 am

im not quite sure why sir did that??? like it’s obvious that he was into it LOL. but it also seemed like he trying to force wookyung into using the safe word but… why? does anyone have any thoughts?

    oomph May 9, 2024 5:13 am

    I think so it's that he can get more comfortable with saying it when he needs to instead of holding back?

    oomph May 9, 2024 5:14 am
    I think so it's that he can get more comfortable with saying it when he needs to instead of holding back? oomph

    I think what he did here was pretty mild and not horrible to put him in a position to make him say the safe word, if it was another situation where he made him do things that was really intense and risky that's a different story

    TiredOfLife May 9, 2024 5:29 am

    Aight so, in some media that portrays bdsm, doms will try and force the safe word out if subs so that the dom AND sub can learn their limits. From what I've seen this type of situation is used when a sub doesn't know their limits, or is "limitless", which can ultimately be dangerous. It's also a learning situation for the sub, who is supposed to learn that just because they safe worded, the Dom won't be disappointed.

    Irl, I'm honestly not sure how well this practice works. I can confidently state that a sub not knowing their hard limits is extremely dangerous, but it is also a Doms thing to push the blurry boundaries to help define the limits.

    In regards to the story, I sympathize with the sub, but the sub is acting like a fool. Using a phrase u find difficult to say as a safeword is ill advised. And bro was rational on it for a bit, and lost it, so the Dom stepped in.

    Now don't get me wrong I DID NOT like the scene, I don't like seeing ppl freak tf out. Yes, the dom SEEMS to be in control, but the MC is a whole ass adult man who agreed to this. If he wanted out, he should've safeworded before he pushed himself too far.

    Ultimately, bdsm relationships are built on trust. Trust that the dom won't take it too far, and trust that the sub will safeword if they need to. These scenes aren't in every piece of bdsm media, but they do serve a purpose. This scene was a glorified trust building exercise