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Thoughts on Ships

JustHere May 10, 2024 6:24 pm

Somethinga been on my mind these days.

Why do some many people not value same-sex friendships in media anymore. I always see people shipping anime characters, kpop idols ect. Cant they just be friends without making everything sexual.

its as if the logic is "if they care about each other it means they wanna fuck and/or in love with each other. and its also frustrating that you get called homophobic because you disagree with their ships. (I will die on this hill, there is absolutely no sexual tension between Gojo and Geto, they were like brothers, infact Gojo and Geto give me more asexual vibes) if you told me Gon and Killua could be a couple I would say, that makes sense the manga artist gives a lot of queer representation in his work.

Its kind of sad that friendship is not valued, it always seems like it needs to be turned into a relationship.

and yes friends cann become lovers. BUT FRIENDS CAN ALSO JUST BE FRIENDS

    King Bee May 10, 2024 6:34 pm

    Calm down ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Chiruu May 10, 2024 6:35 pm

    idk maybe bc people have opinions??? if it doesn't hurt someone, I don't think it's your business to be bothered why they ship who they wanna ship. ofc there are boundaries we can't cross such as proshipping, etc. but I don't think people being happy with who they wanna ship will kill ur grandma or smth lmfao. And be ffr this also happens to the opposite sex. I suggest you find your own ppl instead of putting down shippers that don't harm you. If ur rlly uncomfy w geto x gojo just put dni bro.

    Lazy_Potato May 10, 2024 6:36 pm

    lmfao as an stsg shipper this hit hard but I totally get where you're coming from, ngl shipping for me is fun, lighthearted and not to be taken seriously, ppl's opinions differ and I respect that, so in all honesty based on that, I suggest you just ignore them, out of sight out mind ig ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Lazy_Potato May 10, 2024 6:38 pm
    idk maybe bc people have opinions??? if it doesn't hurt someone, I don't think it's your business to be bothered why they ship who they wanna ship. ofc there are boundaries we can't cross such as proshipping, e... Chiruu

    lmaooo that was blunt asf

    Chiruu May 10, 2024 6:50 pm
    lmfao as an stsg shipper this hit hard but I totally get where you're coming from, ngl shipping for me is fun, lighthearted and not to be taken seriously, ppl's opinions differ and I respect that, so in all hon... Lazy_Potato

    well tbf it's really hard to respect their opinion when they make shipping like it's a "sad" thing lol. I understand their point because the statement alone was an opinion. But bro, I worded it in the worst possible way since it's like saying "This ship is just friends I PITY the people who don't set their value of friendship instead" and in their case was satosugu which is just NOT it. idc if people don't see why ships can be romantically seen but literally why put them down?

    mya May 10, 2024 6:52 pm
    idk maybe bc people have opinions??? if it doesn't hurt someone, I don't think it's your business to be bothered why they ship who they wanna ship. ofc there are boundaries we can't cross such as proshipping, e... Chiruu

    Bye.. they aren’t wrong and neither is THEIR OPINION. Yapping, put that effort into an essay.

    Chiruu May 10, 2024 6:52 pm
    well tbf it's really hard to respect their opinion when they make shipping like it's a "sad" thing lol. I understand their point because the statement alone was an opinion. But bro, I worded it in the worst pos... Chiruu

    they worded** LORD I HATE AUTOCORRECT

    mya May 10, 2024 6:54 pm

    Literally so real.

    When ppl started romanticizing dazai and sigma almost drowning.. LIKE?? Take a hikeeee.

    Chiruu May 10, 2024 6:57 pm
    Bye.. they aren’t wrong and neither is THEIR OPINION. Yapping, put that effort into an essay. mya

    ????? i never said they were wrong jfc. their opinion is CORRECT but the way they worded it to put down shippers are stupid omg..... AHSHAHHAHAHA

    JustHere May 10, 2024 7:44 pm
    idk maybe bc people have opinions??? if it doesn't hurt someone, I don't think it's your business to be bothered why they ship who they wanna ship. ofc there are boundaries we can't cross such as proshipping, e... Chiruu

    I feel like you cleary missed the point of my post.

    Im not telling people to stop shipping Jeez, I just asked why people value romance over friendship.

    Also, I never said it doesnt happen to the opposite sex, but I was specifically asking about same sex ships

    Never said GetoxGojo ship makes me uncomfortable. Im litterly a BL reader. I just disagree that getoxgojo is romantic and it feels like some people force it to be, because they are friends.

    and of course people can ship who they wanna ship, And Im not putting shippers down, I was just curious about their perspective.

    Theres no need to get so defensive.

    JustHere May 10, 2024 7:47 pm
    well tbf it's really hard to respect their opinion when they make shipping like it's a "sad" thing lol. I understand their point because the statement alone was an opinion. But bro, I worded it in the worst pos... Chiruu

    Im so confused by your logic and how you got to this conclusion??

    JustHere May 10, 2024 7:52 pm
    ????? i never said they were wrong jfc. their opinion is CORRECT but the way they worded it to put down shippers are stupid omg..... AHSHAHHAHAHA Chiruu

    How should I have worded so that you would less offended, because I asked a simple questions my post never said anything like "shippers are gross, and weird and fucked up" but you just assumed the worst. I also ship characters. I dont think theres anything wrong with shipping.

    ballsjiggler May 10, 2024 8:01 pm

    Yeah, I totally get where you’re coming from. However, satosugu is an entire diff topic I myself (y’all please don’t flame me ) don’t really “ship“ them, but I DO see where the shippers are coming from, since a deeeeeeeep connection is heavily implied. (The fact that Gojo and Geto are inspired by BL characters is so funny to me) Tbh, I think we should value deep connections between people more, but not in a romantic way. I absolutely adore the dynamic between satosugu bc they’re incredibly well-written. I don’t quite see them as brothers, more as soulmates. Soulmates aren’t always lovers or romantically involved. You know, I believe that many characters have such a deep emotional connection that it can’t be described as “love“, it’s way more than that. I don’t like how we put labels on everything (sorry for this yap session )

    JustHere May 10, 2024 8:49 pm
    Yeah, I totally get where you’re coming from. However, satosugu is an entire diff topic I myself (y’all please don’t flame me ) don’t really “ship“ them, but I DO see where the shippers are coming ... ballsjiggler

    I definitely agree soulmates (so I'll call them brotehrly soulmates

    Lazy_Potato May 11, 2024 5:08 am
    Yeah, I totally get where you’re coming from. However, satosugu is an entire diff topic I myself (y’all please don’t flame me ) don’t really “ship“ them, but I DO see where the shippers are coming ... ballsjiggler

    it's honesty kind of similar for me as well, and wdym satosugu were inspired by bl characters, how come I never knew that??

    Chiruu May 11, 2024 5:51 am
    How should I have worded so that you would less offended, because I asked a simple questions my post never said anything like "shippers are gross, and weird and fucked up" but you just assumed the worst. I also... JustHere

    Chiruu May 11, 2024 6:02 am
    I feel like you cleary missed the point of my post. Im not telling people to stop shipping Jeez, I just asked why people value romance over friendship.Also, I never said it doesnt happen to the opposite sex, bu... JustHere

    i get your point, but i dont think you can really say “why they value romance over friendship” when they have own perspectives over the situation. And even if you were curious you wouldn’t say it’s “sad” how they don’t value friendships because its literally an opinion

    JustHere May 11, 2024 7:17 am
    i get your point, but i dont think you can really say “why they value romance over friendship” when they have own perspectives over the situation. And even if you were curious you wouldn’t say it’s “s... Chiruu

    I do think its sad that romance is valued over friendship. Ive never heard of two friends going for friendship counseling, but couples do it all the time.

    I also however dont think its wrong to have ships, I have them as well.

    I dont know how else to explain it, my intentions of rhe question was never bad or meant to offend anyone.

    and of course its all about the perspective..Its just how do people reach that point of romantically shipping people that arent or give no hints of being romantically involved. Not saying they cant ship it, just how they reached that observation. is it purely because they two characters have a bond or is there another reason?

    Ive been reading Harry Potter recently and theres a ton of Harry/Ron ships and despite both these men being in love with women and clearly being besties. They are still being shipped romantically.

    AND AGAIN. IM NOT SAYING PEOPLE CANT SHIP THEM, Im just genuinely curious how people reach the conclusion of romance when its cleary friendship. and Ive course everyone has a different perspective like a mentioned earlier, its more so how did you reach that perspective.

    Chiruu May 11, 2024 8:06 am
    I do think its sad that romance is valued over friendship. Ive never heard of two friends going for friendship counseling, but couples do it all the time.I also however dont think its wrong to have ships, I hav... JustHere

    Ahh I see where you’re coming from and its understandable. Your words can be misinterpreted wrongly and sorry if i did. But as a shipper myself I can somewhat understand how people reach that perspective. Theres also several factors that make people romanticize characters that even some people can’t comprehend. For example, their love languages that can be interpreted in those characters they ship (like tropes) or over analyzing their actions (like stsg being seen as moon and day) which can possibly lead to shipping. And i heavily understand where your coming from when you see them better off as friends bc i can relate. but for example harry/ron, in my eyes i see them as friends, but others could perceive it as “friends to lovers” troupe. Yeah thats all ik

    ballsjiggler May 11, 2024 11:21 am
    it's honesty kind of similar for me as well, and wdym satosugu were inspired by bl characters, how come I never knew that?? Lazy_Potato

    YEAH LMAO I heard that Gege got inspired by “The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window“, which is a supernatural horror BL. I might be wrong tho, since I saw this on twitter so I’m not sure if it’s true