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What exactly has she EARNED? she ensured the stepmothers abuse but that’s about it. She ...

... May 10, 2024 9:13 pm

What exactly has she EARNED? she ensured the stepmothers abuse but that’s about it. She never fought for herself or stood up against the stepmom. She never tried to fight for the guy she is with now. And never made any decisions for herself without someone pushing her. She literally just went with the flow for everything. I don’t see how that can be called earning something. She was literally just breathing.

    yewoo May 10, 2024 10:44 pm

    girl dont even undermine her work she couldnt fight back bc they were threathening her mother, she worked hard to survive in that hellhole and eventually did fight against the mother, it wasnt easy

    Nicole May 10, 2024 10:47 pm
    girl dont even undermine her work she couldnt fight back bc they were threathening her mother, she worked hard to survive in that hellhole and eventually did fight against the mother, it wasnt easy yewoo

    That’s the thing she endured to protect her mother and yet she didn’t even see her nor spend time with her after everything that happened

    yewoo May 10, 2024 11:07 pm
    That’s the thing she endured to protect her mother and yet she didn’t even see her nor spend time with her after everything that happened Nicole

    bc her mother is still in danger back in her country so she had to leave to the white hair dudes empire and camille is not 12 anymore she has her own life + she will go back to see her mother later its js in case u havent noticed shes busy atm LOL

    Nicole May 10, 2024 11:13 pm
    bc her mother is still in danger back in her country so she had to leave to the white hair dudes empire and camille is not 12 anymore she has her own life + she will go back to see her mother later its js in ca... yewoo

    No camellia is just a weak FL overall. I understand what you mean but like you said, she endured everything for her mother and now suddenly it’s like her mother is already an after thought. Lots of plotholes tbh in this series so far.

    yewoo May 10, 2024 11:29 pm
    No camellia is just a weak FL overall. I understand what you mean but like you said, she endured everything for her mother and now suddenly it’s like her mother is already an after thought. Lots of plotholes ... Nicole

    SO LOUD AND SO WRONG camilla was literally a kid when she was kidnapped from her mother and forced to play the role of little boy and despite all that she killed that role and endured it all for her mother's sake (a lot of people wpuldnt have been to go through that) her mom is talked about more in the novel but they cant put everything in the webtoon but her mother is safe rn so camilla is obv focusing on more important stuff + camilla is a lot of things but weak

    Reneec May 11, 2024 3:08 am
    No camellia is just a weak FL overall. I understand what you mean but like you said, she endured everything for her mother and now suddenly it’s like her mother is already an after thought. Lots of plotholes ... Nicole

    Bro what to endure abuse for the sake of a loved one not just her mother but her brother she had to go from poverty/happiness to a life where she loses herself her mother her identity and I abused and used as a pawn not loved or protected by anyone not her mother not her stepmother not her father her brother barley helped but at least he loved her she had to deny herself for him undermined her identity to forgo being a man she’s literally cinderella meets mulan she had to work to be just as good but twice as hard she fought against oppression and saved her loved ones

    Guilty Gracious Sinner May 11, 2024 6:48 am

    I KNOW RIGHT. like yeah, i’m sure she did struggle and she did something but not too much like at all. she relied on her partner, or whenever she did something on her own, it seemed more of a fluke.

    ... May 11, 2024 7:37 am

    Listen. She believed the guy who she knew were murdering nobles. Her mother never once wrote back and she didn’t see it as suspicious. Every time there was a crisis it was solved by the ml. She’s good at school but that’s about it. And have you ever actually seen her use her so called smarts anywhere. Throughout the story she always had a weepy face. I have never seen her actually DETERMINED to do something and pull it off.
    I accept that she ensured abuse. But that’s all she did. She endured. Never fought. Or earned might I add. Even the title is finding camillia. As in she literally has no personality she needs to look for herself. So you guys can’t go excusing her inaction.

    And don’t get me started in the plot holes. I am still waiting for an explanation as to why the stepmother tried to kill her own oh so precious only son and heir just to blame the fl mom. That was the stupidest thing she could pull it would endanger her own position if he died. Which it did. That’s why she brought in the fl.
    also this last thing. EVERYONE in the capital knew fl was an illegitimate child. So obviously she’d be of humble origins. There were never any indications of her origins being an issue except when it came to a possible connection to Louvre because of the rebels presence there. And now the cp has an issue. Just to create drama.

    Also novel readers. Please don’t quote what’s in the novel because many people here are just for the manhwa. We don’t care what happened in the novel because that’s not what we are reading. We are reading the manhwa here. And in this manhwa the mother’s presence is practically nil. And camillia never fought for anything.

    Legra May 16, 2024 5:34 am

    people have different level of what they call "strong". maybe for some of us, just being able to withstand pressure is considered strong enough but for others, being able to breakfree from pressure is the real strong. i do agree this FL is not what i would call strong FL.