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Come on

GHOST May 11, 2024 1:17 am

I really hope they don't kill him off. I really want to see TJ succeed. Not with Ian though, that relationship needs to be let go of. Ian wants his own future, TJ deserves a new start. I fear that it will either end in him dying or becoming the villain. I really don't want to see that, but I can see how those two are the most obvious paths for a story of this genre. Fuckkkk

A ramble for if he does get better however:

On the basis of if he were to "find another", food for thought, I also don't know how I feel about him getting in a relationship to "fix" things. Why I care about him so much is because I relate to the low point he is at, the things he went through (obviously my own experience not being the same, not gang related or whatever) and from my trauma and environment I went to a really dark morbid place. I was at the "man with nothing to lose" point.

Problem is, getting into a relationship with the person I am with is exactly how I escaped that. He pushes me to get professional help, to get what I need to build a stable life, and to be a happy person. He challenges my flaws and does not sugar coat his words. I credit him for saving my life, because without him I would have either become someone I could not predict the depravity and emptiness of, or I would have chosen to exit life on my own terms.

The thing is, I was extremely lucky. Most relationships don't work like that and for anyone going through something similar, you can't depend on that. It's also a huge undertaking for the other person, and I could not ever ask the man I love to do the things he's done for me by his own will.

It would be way more meaningful to see TJ succeed in changing his life by his own will, and perhaps AFTER, getting into a relationship where he can heal his most inner wounds. He's very obviously tied to love, as the pain he feels for Ian is evidence of such, but its also his obsession. It's unhealthy, and he needs a different form of love, and for a different person.

Anyways, while that's a bit random I just wanted to write some more thoughts. I hope he doesn't die or go down a darker path. I am prepared for that outcome, but I am hoping so strongly that he will be okay.
