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Black hair dude makes my ass itch

WeebofLevi May 11, 2024 5:18 am

WaaaWaaWaaa..! All this nigga do is cry. Don’t get me wrong I understand he’s been through hell and back. Brody has been through it all, but I cannot get over the fact that all this nigga do is cry. What really takes the cake is that fact that at one point he forgot about Charles. One minute he’s the victim next minute he’s…what do you call someone that isn’t the victim? He’s just so freaking selfish.

To elaborate, he’s such a dickhead for saying Karel is more important than Charles. Don’t get me wrong; I 100% know the love for Karel will never go away, but to supposedly “commit” to taking care of Charles and then to damn near abandon him is crazy. You decided to pick up this unknown child that has no one. Its like making a vow. When he picked up that child he made a vow to protect and love him. I mean, that’s what you do as a caretaker. I can’t remember 100% if he did, but whether he likes it or not he decided to take care of Charles. That is his duty. I already know the maid gave him a good talking to, but I feel like he’s still the same selfish person. Yes, I do know he was really giving Charles some thought and what not. Towards the end he SOMEWHAT didn’t want to leave him; however; I feel like he’d trade Charles in a heartbeat.

Everybody needs to go to therapy..
Back to lil nigga crying all the time. Is he going to cry his way to getting Karel? I don’t want to seem like an ass, but all Sasya do is bitch and cry the whole time. Karel has got his shit together. When is Sasya going to too? I’m ready for him to be a boss bitch, yk? How long is he going to play victim. Like you have a whole kid and maid to take care of. I’m saying that but Ik someone’s going to mention his mental health and it’s so IRRITATING. Ik depression and ptsd hit like a bitch, but it’s like dude. I don’t expect him to completely be recovered, but he has priority’s. If you realize from the jump he’s always been relying on Karel. There has to be a certain point in the story when he wants to stop feeling useless.

What happened to embarrassment and pride..?Well…he was a prostitute so I guess he wouldn’t have any?? Most do tho.. In the sense that Karel doesn’t owe him anything, so for him to be like, “no you can’t fuck him” or something along the lines of that; is crazy. Everybody had their own reasons for what they did. I don’t wanna shame anybody fr. But like let a bitch tell me I can’t fuck someone when they dipped out on me; Imma look at them like they crazy. I’m semi joking.

    WeebofLevi May 11, 2024 5:22 am