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oshawott May 11, 2024 5:15 pm

heiner is really a written well trash ml but its just he's so shit ik its fiction but no one irl will go back with the person who literally made you kys TWICE like its just idk?!"":??? im feeling really so conflicted with this manhwa like morality keeps clashing

    ♡♡ May 11, 2024 7:14 pm

    If you are referring to her choice to stay with him and not go to France, it makes perfect sense here.

    As you can see, she no longer cares for her life, adjusting to a new life and someone else like the 2nd ML would be more energy consuming, and feel pointless.

    Let alone be his lover. Which would require you to reconnect with your emotions, and work on yourself and your trauma from your first husband, to be able to have any sort of healthy relationship, which in her eyes, the 2nd ML deserves. Adding to that, her own personal dilemma of not being able to offer him anything, would make her a burden to him. It's easier to rot away with the ML, owe nothing to anyone, and just disappear.

    You'll understand her entirely if you ever find yourself in that kind of emotional abyss. Even though I wholeheartedly hope that doesn't ever happen to you.