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For those who say "grooming"

Meruemshu May 11, 2024 8:31 pm

Actually, grooming means trying to get someone to do something. Which does apply here indeed. As it does for most demon activity in fiction.

But when you add pedo, you mean sexual grooming, which isn't the case here. The demon wants his soul, and giving your soul to a demon is corruption of your soul. It doesn't mean sex at all. So you are wrong about that.

Of course there's yaoi written, but thinking of this first exchange as sexual is actually very deranged, it's like sexualizing interaction between two kids at the beginning of the story just because you know they'll be dating later, you know?

So please, your way of automatically sexualizing interactions between adults and children aren't normal. Seek therapy.

    Drugsarentthatgood May 11, 2024 9:09 pm

    Stop being dense

    SAN May 17, 2024 7:13 am

    no need to explain it to people who are just shouting aimlessly as far as i can see he hasn't shown any sexual interest in the child and grooming? lmao how is he grooming him when he is away half of the time. they act as if parents don't groom their children. Also parents grooming their children(without violence) is way better than those who ignore their own child and as he is a demon he just don't think of himself like a parent to the boy so even if they were to develop romantic love it may give slight incestuous vibe but is not incestuous at the same time

    Meruemshu May 17, 2024 7:47 pm
    Stop being dense Drugsarentthatgood

    Stop being brain dead.

    Drugsarentthatgood May 17, 2024 8:52 pm
    Stop being brain dead. Meruemshu

    I wonder why the author with a history of weird age gaps relationship would make a story with a child and a teenager while actively sexualizing both the child and the teen. I wonder who would enjoy the sexualization of children. Let's put our thinking caps on

    Meruemshu May 17, 2024 8:54 pm
    I wonder why the author with a history of weird age gaps relationship would make a story with a child and a teenager while actively sexualizing both the child and the teen. I wonder who would enjoy the sexualiz... Drugsarentthatgood

    Stop being braindead. Fuck tard.