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Y'know what I find frustrating?

Mayo Nessa May 11, 2024 11:24 pm

Is that nobody seems to find it right to stand up for themselves. Like how FL just lets this woman talk down at her. And make no mistake. She might have meant well but she does talk down to the FL. There is sense to what she says but the no rebuttal from FL's side rubs me off the wrong way.

ML too is silent about issues. Both took 5 steps forward and 10 steps back. Insecurities abound because it's a new stage to their relationship but what works in novels doesn't necessarily work in comic form. Too draggy and though it works plot-wise, I feel like the story suffers for it.

Mind you, the manhwa version of this is said to be heavier than the novel as it dives into the characters more than the written version but I wish it was paced better. Ironically, what I find interesting character-wise would have worked better in the novel. It's like it got confused and switched mediums.

I'm not sure I'm saying it right but I just can't forget what I learned in one of my writing classes back in uni. Narrative is heavily reliant in your medium. A book is effective in ways a movie isn't and vice versa. That goes the same in different mediums. Audio books, comics, podcasts, animation, etc. That small tidbit is what takes me out in enjoying this sometimes.

    Limeqde May 11, 2024 11:45 pm

    You have a point... Already 100 chapters in and I feel like we accomplished nothing in the story. Sure, there were some character development and progression on the romance, but with all the drama dragging out, it can be too heavy to the point the manhwa isn't as comfortable to look at. Everyone feels real, that's great, but even at romantic parts, it doesn't feel as exciting as intended.

    nimnim juice May 12, 2024 1:08 am

    I especially agree that the former dichess being disrespectful to the FL and her letting it happen.I’m not saying she need a to get a whole new personality but a little backbone won’t hurt.Idk why she doesn’t take pride in the fact that she is there for Celpho even if she isn’t his mother.That Celpho does think of her as a mother even though they haven’t known each other that long.That’s real! This women barely even cares about her kid but the FL is letting her words hold weight. While still not questioning her husband.Ask him! You not asking is the reason it took so long for your relationship to bloom. The ML needs to speak more often even if it’s just to comfort the FL.

    lady eboshi May 12, 2024 1:10 am
    You have a point... Already 100 chapters in and I feel like we accomplished nothing in the story. Sure, there were some character development and progression on the romance, but with all the drama dragging out,... Limeqde

    very true. there is slow burn and there are crumbs and anyone hates surviving on crumbs

    Mayo Nessa May 12, 2024 2:08 am
    You have a point... Already 100 chapters in and I feel like we accomplished nothing in the story. Sure, there were some character development and progression on the romance, but with all the drama dragging out,... Limeqde

    Another issue I have is the curse. I get it. It's serious. But at this point....that's it. The occasional dangerous event where it keeps showing up reminds the readers of how bad it is. But, then what? It's the elephant in the room that is the constant problem that never quite gets resolved. When they find an answer to remedy it a bit, we celebrate but then nothing. And the bigger issue? The damn princess who we all know isn't the real princess and is the real problem remains as background noise.

    Don't get me wrong. I love this manhwa. Truly I do. But it keeps on getting lost as romance, the curse, drama, and whatever else keep on taking precedent and leaving the plot floundering a bit.

    Just ranting coz we're stuck again in a limbo of drama mired with the curse and then I bet royalty is gonna let itself send out feelers again just to remind us that the bigger boogie man is still thirsting after the ML.

    Limeqde May 12, 2024 3:22 am
    Another issue I have is the curse. I get it. It's serious. But at this point....that's it. The occasional dangerous event where it keeps showing up reminds the readers of how bad it is. But, then what? It's the... Mayo Nessa

    You slayed so hard