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Grey Goo May 12, 2024 4:01 am

I don’t like how they made the former oppressed slave the villain. Like, none of the ruling class are opposing slavery and are perfectly happy with the twisted system they have. Why go out of the way to show how absolutely awful Rashta’s life was if she’s going to be made the evil home wrecker. What, was the former slave supposed to turn down the literal emporer when he wanted to sleep with her? Did the empress ever advocate for slaves rights? No? Then Rashta owed her no loyalty or consideration.

It feels so scummy to have the former slave be evil bc she stepped above her station, especially since Rashta becoming more unhinged and viscous is the result of isolation and manipulation by others of the ruling class. That redheaded woman who treated her like trash was actually rewarded and suffered no consequences for treating someone with no power so horribly.

I like the empress as a character, but there are no “good” people in this story. If a character exists in a story where slavery is an accepted system, and they do not at the very least, bare minimum, verbally oppose that system, then I can’t root for them. Personal opinion but the treatment of Rashta’s entire character in this feels too slimy for me to continue.

    nompuehuenu May 12, 2024 4:15 am

    yeah, i agree. as much as i dislike rashta, the way she literally had NO ONE on her side makes me feel really bad. i love navier but it's true she was awfully priviledged, with loving parents, a loving brother, being born noble and getting to be empress, the fact that she doesn't show concern with allowing slaves in the world just rubs the wrong way even if i love her. all i can say is i wish rashta aimed lower, but then again, it was literally all Sovietshit's fault. he took Rashta without asking the empress, he lead her on despite all his intentions being using Rashta who was way too naive and dumb to notice at the time, now she was no one but another man who took advantage of her and she's steadily walking to her doom. i must admit some of it was her fault, coveting the empress' place when she clearly couldn't take the amount of responsability, mental strength and consequences such position has, but then again she was used by absolutely everyone in her life all because she was born a slave and this makes me angry. i know if the story was told in her perspective at least i would root for her, but she's the villain when she's just a unfortunate slave girl who had no choice but to become wicked and getting consumed by greed once she finally had a chance to have a decent life.

    i don't blame those who still hate rashta but i can't help but frown at them taking in account the ruling class in this story doesn't even care about slaves, not even the protagonist. as you say, there are no good people in this story and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but i guess it's just how the story has to be. i sure wish rashta would have a happy ending but i highly doubt it

    Addic May 12, 2024 4:22 am
    yeah, i agree. as much as i dislike rashta, the way she literally had NO ONE on her side makes me feel really bad. i love navier but it's true she was awfully priviledged, with loving parents, a loving brother,... nompuehuenu

    We don't have to blame the women ....blame the f ing men in this context

    Mio May 12, 2024 7:30 am

    This is just my game theory or whatever, but what if Rashta being made a character with a poor background was fortunate enough to live a lavish life by Sovieshu taking her in. However her negative remark was that she became too greedy in her position that she had done all these bad deeds like trying to frame Navier, accusing her of bad things etc.

    Emphasising that Rashta even though had a good chance at being able to live good, most of the consequences actually came from her actions because she wanted more. Not saying entirely everything was her fault like Sovieshu was also at fault for his stupid decisions. Pity is a justified reaction for Rashta and maybe that is probably the Author's idea in building Rashta as a "Villainess" that isn't just point blank evil for no reason.

    Man I probably sound dumb asf but yeah

    Addic May 12, 2024 8:23 am
    This is just my game theory or whatever, but what if Rashta being made a character with a poor background was fortunate enough to live a lavish life by Sovieshu taking her in. However her negative remark was th... Mio

    Makes sense

    Suzzu May 12, 2024 8:36 am
    yeah, i agree. as much as i dislike rashta, the way she literally had NO ONE on her side makes me feel really bad. i love navier but it's true she was awfully priviledged, with loving parents, a loving brother,... nompuehuenu

    I disagree. Rashta had people on her side. It was more stated in the novel but brushed in the webtoon. The emperor assigned her a baron to look after her and her studies. But Rashta being paranoid that people are intentionally antagonizing her because of her past experience, origin and lack of education, sees every single advice as as a personal attack. She does not take constructive criticism well. She pushed away those that lend her a hand. Betrayed people that had her back. Is it their fault she let her paranoia get over her and desire to be the "one in power that abused people" like people abused her? No, objectively speaking her being a slave and being a helpless with no one at her side is her fault too.

    Stupid emperor is selfish as fuck but he had Rashta's back and offered to help her get out of the blackmailing. Rashta's refused that help, pushed away the baron that would look after her ( once she became an empress other than the emperor who's busy doting on her kid, no one could direct to listen to them and not trust the wrong people). She had people who constantly told her actions were good. Rashta is not stupid. One ignored warning is ok but more is just can't be justified with her being a helpless slave. She was warned of Edgy countless times, she was helpled by a maid.... Her own ruthless bad pity emotion of vengeance dug her grave as well.

    Some nobles were on her side initially because they saw her a poor easygoing ignorant pure hearted girl. But many of her actions throughout the serie transpired a evil and mean vibe that is not directed only on Navier but also a fellow and well like noble women (duchess) who's lovelife she ruined our of PURE spite.


    Suzzu May 12, 2024 8:38 am
    I disagree. Rashta had people on her side. It was more stated in the novel but brushed in the webtoon. The emperor assigned her a baron to look after her and her studies. But Rashta being paranoid that people a... Suzzu

    I'm sorry typo. But she had people told her her actions were not good

    Suzzu May 12, 2024 8:52 am

    As for why Rashta was written like that.... That's just the author being an ass and picking the worst scenario to create drama. Usually one of their writing quirk ~ Even in their other work "Men of the Harem" they tend to always pick the horrible and most annoying option to create drama and purposely write vaguelly to add more to the story later (or not write at all) and lead the readers to speculate and eventually profit by filling the black holes of their story with extra stories and filler that are super long... Anyway a long-term source of income. Even this Rashta's downfall arc is unnecessary long and focus on her. And also was an opening to create extra stories that about Rashta not becoming horrible person and empress, side stories about her kids, side story about stupid emperor meeting the daughter he thought was his etc etc.

    Debora May 12, 2024 9:42 am

    She is the "villainess" a random korean woman will get reincarnated as someday... maybe the title will be "The time I got reincarneted as the villainess, and now the emperor is obssessed with me", maybe then she can have a diferent path to happyness

    Alenira May 12, 2024 10:32 am

    Rashta life may have started out bad, but even as a slave she was treated decently so only her father treated her like Trash back then. The family that bought Rashta first treated like a lower servant, she may have been given less but it was still decent. However Rashta noticed the Young master of the house looking at her, hence acted pitiful to garner more of his attention. She was warned of these actions by both the other servants and the young lady of the house "he will be the next head, not someone the likes of you can be with". Despite this Rashta seduced him.. hence garnering the hatred of his sister and the servants. This is why she started to get mistreated as a slave (even then she continused because "he likes me"). She then got pregnant and hopped having the next heads kid would give her power, but all it gave her was worse treatment until a deal was made. She leave her kid and leave the house.

    After this when she was released from the house she joined a group of guys to scam men who found her pitiful by acting like shes fleeing them. when a nobel carriage comes by, Young nobel men see a beautiful pitiful woman in trouble and come to the rescue (making them feel masculine) and Rashta would "reward" them with the only thing she had.. her "verginity". This causes the man to feel pity as purity is a must.. so they pay her for the "damages" and leave. This is also how Rashta meet Sovietshit, tho he eneded up "taking responcibility" by bringing her to the palace.. We know this because the first guy she inlists her assassin to kill is one of the guys from their little "skit".

    In the palace she tries her best to earn favor with servants, nobels and the guards. When this fails, the pity me card comes out and the i will get close to teh Empress begins. When this fails and she becomes even more disliked, she wants power and to be empress.

    So from start to finish most of Rashta's unhappiness is tied to her own doing. She will belive any man who favors by giving her their all and hence be tricked.
    Yet she herself never learns and always looks back at her past missery as "its their fault".

    The mage girl Navier favors and Sovietshit brings to the palace after the devorce.. Rashta's first thought is "mistress" and hence starts attacking her, even inlisting her adoptive parents to do so. Even after learning that the girl may be the adoptive parents real child, Rashta still tell them to stage an attack on the girls carriage (while keeping this fact to her self).

    Add to that the amount of "ppl from the past" Rashta has had her assassin get rid of, and her way of punishing / training her maids..
    Rashta is a literal tyrant.

    Suzzu May 12, 2024 11:59 am
    Rashta life may have started out bad, but even as a slave she was treated decently so only her father treated her like Trash back then. The family that bought Rashta first treated like a lower servant, she may ... Alenira

    Yeah for real. Idk why people love to delusion themselves that Rashta is just a victim of people playing mind games. When even before she become empress she played the game as well. Tried to make a alliance with Navier and when refused on multiple occasion she antagonized Navier and her lady in waitings.

    Rashta may be illiterate, had a unfair start because her dad is an ass and the Eastern empire have a disgusting and unreasonable law that if you crime ur entire family is to be punished too... Still Rashta has learnt in her time as a slave that she can profit from her beauty and sell herself as a frail, clueless, easy going and pure hearted maiden. She's young too. And she used that in court. I forgot the names but the duke believed her lies and rumors because she sold off that image that since "she's childish and ignorant like a child, she cannot lie. Because children are always honest and innocents stereotype". She used that to her advantage to ruin a duchess's marriage and reputation not because the duchess was a threat but because the duchess was a lady in waiting of Navier who is untouchable to Rashta. So Rashta does that meaniest trick and attacked people that are closed to Navier. People that can defend themselves from her since she's under the emperor's protection. She lied in Sovieshu's face as well by acting like a clueless ignorant slave girl. In fact Sovieshu himself regretted not seeing through her facade.

    Her position was secured too when she got pregnant but she continued to humiliate Navier and torment Navier in court while putting a "I'm just poor ignorant common girl so if I offend you I didn't mean to" bullcrap. Rashta was not threatened by Navier when got her status secured and the divorce was in motion still even when she becomes empress and Navier is miles away from her she continues to humiliate Navier in court (with the gifts for the babies, during Navier marriage....)

    Say what you want, but Rashta slave background does not cancel the fact she acted like a bully and a manipulator.
    The whole "she's just a slave trying to survived" is bullcrap. When with her status secured she hired assassins, threatened another empress for no ducking survival reasons. She is a victim for sure but she no poor innocent girl saving herself tragedy. She was a tyrant and all. Plus the most gruesome crimes she made were all her initiative to exact vengeance, eliminate obstacles that she made up (literally has no concert proof) and too feel superior.

    Suzzu May 12, 2024 12:03 pm
    She is the "villainess" a random korean woman will get reincarnated as someday... maybe the title will be "The time I got reincarneted as the villainess, and now the emperor is obssessed with me", maybe then sh... Debora

    The second chance delusion ~ doesn't matter if I was actually horrible person. New life new self. People I killed never happened ~

    ladyyaz May 12, 2024 1:49 pm
    We don't have to blame the women ....blame the f ing men in this context Addic

    (in Phil dunphy voice) I always do

    Celestia ludenberg May 12, 2024 1:58 pm
    yeah, i agree. as much as i dislike rashta, the way she literally had NO ONE on her side makes me feel really bad. i love navier but it's true she was awfully priviledged, with loving parents, a loving brother,... nompuehuenu

    Look. I understand your perspective wholly. But its not like rastha cared about the slaves either. She was one of them! She just was able to seduce her way to the empress. But did she do anything for the abolishment of slavery? No. She didn't even take classes for education to be an empress.

    Look, these were absurd times. Slaves being as normal as showing ankle being taboo as a woman in those days. There are no people to educate them that it's wrong. There's nobody who has realised it yet. So, rastha, who's been on the slavery side could've helped in shedding light to the slavery issue. She doesn't even need to do it herself. She could've seduced sovishit to make laws about it. But no, she chose to have tea parties with men and skip studies than do that. I won't criticise her for seducing sovishit to escape slavery, but whatever she did after is what she's being held accountable for. Sadly bad people can come from all walks of life. Just like every noble not being good, every slave can also be applied the same logic. I simply cannot think that a person who pulled out feathers of a bird to simply frame someone for no reason, is a good one. Greed doesn't go for only a certain part of population. It goes for everyone.

    Celestia ludenberg May 12, 2024 2:01 pm
    Look. I understand your perspective wholly. But its not like rastha cared about the slaves either. She was one of them! She just was able to seduce her way to the empress. But did she do anything for the abolis... Celestia ludenberg

    *just like not every noble is noble, not every slave will be innocent.

    The sentence looks wrong so I had to correct it

    Wen May 12, 2024 2:45 pm

    Okay but Rashta didn't care about slaves nor did she try to don anything for them. She didn't even try to help the commoners and kept the money for herself. Instead she just treated those under her even worse. Mistreating the maids and just killing or hurting others just cause. Even the poor innocent bird got hurt. You can't just not support someone who was ok with slavery but sympathize with someone who abused, killed others and even hurt an innocent animal.

    Suzzu May 12, 2024 2:53 pm
    *just like not every noble is noble, not every slave will be innocent. The sentence looks wrong so I had to correct it Celestia ludenberg

    I totally agree but.... Rashta took classes and was educated before becoming the empress. She could read / write... After she became empress and navier divorced she was forced to take lesson harder asap and was told about etiquette and she has some common sense too. she view what she went through was unfair and was abused. She knew that shit was wrong and evil. But then one of the first actions she as an empress was abuse of power and exactly the horrible thing she hated of her abusers / previous masters.
    About learning about being an empress. She Had to learn an entire book of nobles she had to meet. Because stupid emperor take for granted that after Rashta was empress the work would be pushed to Navier. Ofc she couldn't handle it so that's ok that she couldn't act as a proper empress. But she hasn't given major responsibilities either. If I'm wrong she was only in charge of meeting the nobles and organizing the events. But then as you said she only held gathering of men that are unwed (but engaged) and men that she fooled. She was told later that it looked bad for her. But we know for a fact that she continues to meet only men later on.
    Basically if there's was error in her behavior she was told and reprimanded. She was not loose cannon. First errors are well welcomed given her unpreparedness but the a second and third time, it's just her not listening at all.

    Heck even Stupid Emperor told her even he couldn't get away with killing/harming servants off. He did punish a lady in waiting with hunger for offending Rashta once but that's leagues away from what Rashta did (cutting her maid's tongue). That's something even Sovieshu's found too much and the same way nobles at her trial were quick to call her a monster after learning about it. Even her previous master didn't step that low and only told her lies about their horrible deals and told her empty threats. Like she is aware what's she doing is wrong and a crime but she ignores and that's her funeral ~

    She has no way even if she wanted to change the slavery thing. Plus any motive to do so. The same way Sovieshu's had to hide her origin and introduced her as a "commoner". He's emperor and all but he's not above the law and nobles rules (??). I think she's made peace that being accepted as slave will took years to happen and just gave on it or thought about it. It was pretty certain and something she has been aware. She wouldn't be even be allowed to be a concubine if she was a slave after all. Not love at first sight bulshit Sovieshu do would appease the nobles and commoners and accept Rashta. Plus she knew her empress status was temporary and she would get off a year later. Aside the unprepareness she knew she still can't change anything. That's just how the world building of the Easter empire is. Completely and utterfly hating of the slaves. Not saying slaves are always good. But y'know I still view rashta a victim of the system prior the story. After all the crime of her father aren't her own. Kinda ironic and fucked up how she didn't learnt from this and unintentionally doomed her own children to slavery.

    Not sure how you thought I was on Rashta's side because I'm equally horrified of what she did to the bird and agree that her being a slave doesn't justify the earned karma bitch slap and kick in the guts she has coming her way.

    ladyyaz May 12, 2024 3:01 pm
    I totally agree but.... Rashta took classes and was educated before becoming the empress. She could read / write... After she became empress and navier divorced she was forced to take lesson harder asap and was... Suzzu

    I almost forgot the bird
    A victim for real
    She DID NOT have to do that

    Suzzu May 12, 2024 3:12 pm
    I almost forgot the birdA victim for real She DID NOT have to do that ladyyaz

    The bird needs therapy. The poor thing has ptsd attacks at mere sight of Rashta....

    Celestia ludenberg May 12, 2024 6:27 pm
    I totally agree but.... Rashta took classes and was educated before becoming the empress. She could read / write... After she became empress and navier divorced she was forced to take lesson harder asap and was... Suzzu

    Omg I meant to respond to the first reply
    I'm sorry for that.

    And about the empress training, she was getting it far easier than navier did when she was a child. It only became navier level hard when navier divorced him.

    And about her having no wish to help slaves, that was also meant for the person on the first reply. That was my bad.
    Just like how rashta had no motive to help slaves, sovishit and navier, who don't even know what it's like to be one, would have even less motive to abolish it, even with how fucked up that sounds.

    Celestia ludenberg May 12, 2024 6:33 pm
    Omg I meant to respond to the first replyI'm sorry for that. And about the empress training, she was getting it far easier than navier did when she was a child. It only became navier level hard when navier divo... Celestia ludenberg

    Being slow in studies is fine, but when you criticize someone for having it easy, you shouldn't complain when you have to live the same way like the person you criticize.
    She's always whining and moaning about how difficult it is for her and how easy it is for navier, but she can't handle even 1% of what navier did to reach where she is. so there's not much room for pity there either