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Am I the only one who didn’t quite understand the transition of their relationship..??

Anonymous May 13, 2024 10:53 pm

Am I the only one who didn’t quite understand the transition of their relationship..??

    Mewcat May 14, 2024 2:39 pm

    Nah its me too like its felled very rushed imo how do u go frm being that awk to strt up touching eachother like that

    Mewcat May 14, 2024 2:39 pm

    Nah its me too like its felt very rushed imo how do u go frm being that awk to strt up touching eachother like that

    MaggieMeow May 17, 2024 7:36 am

    Exactly, the relationship goes pretty much 180 which would be fine if they TALKED...its such whiplash bc they 1) never actually talk about the relationship. ever. and 2) Chaeheon straight up changes personalities after they accidentally slept together which is extra hard to believe after the first misunderstanding in high school. It's not like Jeongyun ever initiated anything that would confirm his feelings.

    Regardless, I still really like it so far despite its choppiness. I'm excited to see how the relationship progresses and if Jeongyun will EVER stand up for himself especially if Chaeheon's stalkerish behavior continues....