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As for my humble opinion after chapter 52 raws honeslty i dont know how to feel? Like it w...

idkdik May 14, 2024 5:40 pm

As for my humble opinion after chapter 52 raws honeslty i dont know how to feel? Like it was confirmed by the author that yoonho was always a sadist and that he only was sweet with sooyeon cuz he didnt wanna hurt him so seeing this switch up is kinda shocking but oh well we'll see. As for sooyeon, that guy basically was with gyeol 1st then he also fooled around with male students (one of em being sooyeon)

    Rin May 16, 2024 1:19 pm

    So you said he involved other students...before they (the girl and YH) entered the college? So 4-5 years ago, before he met YH he used to sleep with MANY of his students?

    Also, making YH a sadist feels forced to justify things that can't even be justified really haha. The fact is that even if he'd enjoyed sadism, he just doesn't want is anywhere as much as SY, just can't live without it and cares about getting beaten up more than he does about his 'lover', hence the cheating(quite easily). In all these 50+ chapters, the impression I got is that YH would have lived his vannila life pretty well and satisfied with occasional 'unusual' things. It's only because of SY. #IhateNTRwholeheartedly.

    Shouldn't they tag it NTR, those who don't want to see that crap will be warned then.

    idkdik May 16, 2024 1:25 pm
    So you said he involved other students...before they (the girl and YH) entered the college? So 4-5 years ago, before he met YH he used to sleep with MANY of his students? Also, making YH a sadist feels forced t... Rin

    yup! I asked the author on twitter and they said that sooyeon was fooling around with other male students before he met yoonho and yea it should be tagged as NTR since gyeol is an important character in the story...oh well i just wanna see the ending atp

    Rin May 16, 2024 1:56 pm
    yup! I asked the author on twitter and they said that sooyeon was fooling around with other male students before he met yoonho and yea it should be tagged as NTR since gyeol is an important character in the sto... idkdik

    Well I think this is going to be painfully long. Also, I'm almost sure that SY will cheat again or just go to Gyeol.
    YH remains a doormat.

    Rin May 27, 2024 7:37 am
    yup! I asked the author on twitter and they said that sooyeon was fooling around with other male students before he met yoonho and yea it should be tagged as NTR since gyeol is an important character in the sto... idkdik

    Btw it doesn't even matter anymore after chapter 53 but.... That student in chap 25 is YH's junior and if SY did him before meeting YH then how could they be the same person? I mean he couldn't have entered college before YH? Anyways I don't even know why I'm asking this anymore hahaha. And Youuu, are you OK?? You must've gone through so much reading and translating all that. Omg dude...n the author accepts that YH is doing self harm in the name of love so are they still going to push him to this self harm till the end? Please let him find another man....I hope when he's in therapy in the 1st chapter, he's broken up with that damn SY and that SY suffers retribution. I lowkey resent YH too now.I Mann I swear I never would've opened it if the author put Ntr warning at the start of the story.

    idkdik May 27, 2024 8:42 am
    Btw it doesn't even matter anymore after chapter 53 but.... That student in chap 25 is YH's junior and if SY did him before meeting YH then how could they be the same person? I mean he couldn't have entered col... Rin

    honestly yea the dude in chap 25 really does look like his junior but maybe author just drew a similar person? cuz they confirmed that it was before so maybe just similar appearance (i wanna believe this so bad). As for me translating this and posting it, honestly this is the only way im coping rn heheje i cant stop the pain but i need the ending. And again SAME if i had known NTR/cuckolding was gonna be in this story i would have never opened it cuz thats the one thing that makes my heart ache but oh well