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I've been wanting to drop but i wanna know the ending

eruhaben's grandkid May 15, 2024 7:57 am

the plot may be okay but the storytelling is so frustrating. too many monologues and flashbacks. there are some insignificant scenes

and the fl and ml kinda boring im sorry. and i think a lot of characters are foolish

    Aiko❤ May 16, 2024 5:41 pm

    I somewhat agree with this, I feel like there was so many random things tossed into the plot to make it seem more interesting, but it just felt 'meh'. But the story was something new compared to other reincarnation stories I have read and was still overall pretty alright. The ML and FL definitely were on the boring side, BUTTTT Julius' character made up for that imo tbh. I loved him a lot