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Chan_Premium May 16, 2024 1:12 am

WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE COMMENTS?? (Please don't respond with the incoherent yapping about pedophilia or some random shit because I really don't care)

    Cockette May 16, 2024 1:15 am

    IKR like go be a pedo elsewhere I just wanna read jinx related comments :)))

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 1:29 am
    IKR like go be a pedo elsewhere I just wanna read jinx related comments :))) Cockette

    At the heart of this issue lies the repeated harassment directed at the targets whenever they express opinions related to Jinx. These targets are advocating for an environment where all opinions are welcomed and respected. However, it's the aggressors who falsely accuse them of being pedophiles and refuse to tolerate any perspective other than their own.

    The targets are essentially being coerced into accepting the aggressors' viewpoints or risk being driven away from the platform altogether. If you're someone who simply enjoys reading Jinx-related comments, it's crucial to recognize the falsehoods propagated by these cyberstalkers. Blindly believing their accusations could make you their next target should you express a differing opinion. Let's strive for a space where diverse viewpoints are valued and harassment is not tolerated

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 1:32 am

    Girl he sent you his chatgpt essay

    Cockette May 16, 2024 1:37 am
    Girl he sent you his chatgpt essay BaileyBot

    Yuuuh I ignore it like literally everybody else will xdd that boy is mentally challenged

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:38 am

    Crockett has to be an alt account of the cyberstalkers.

    Cockette believes a lie or spreading false information.

    What is said by BaileyBot is an unfounded allegation. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

    In light of recent events, it’s important to address the accusations and misunderstandings that have arisen. In March, MD took steps to create a safe space by changing his username to reflect a commitment to protecting individuals within our community. Despite these efforts, he has been subjected to mockery and false allegations by an individual known as Baileybot and the cyberstalkers.

    It has been claimed that MD engaged in inappropriate communication with a minor. However, this is factually incorrect, as evidenced by the empty direct messages (DMs) which were promptly shown to the community. The accusation that messages were deleted is unfounded and contradicts the evidence presented. He provided numbers. Baileybot can't provide the right numbers without photoshop. If numbers would be provided it would be to one of the impersonators copying MD.

    Baileybot has misattributed the actions of an impersonator to MD. This impersonator, who has admitted to both the impersonation and to making inappropriate comments, is not affiliated with MD. Their actions should not be conflated with MD’s character or intentions.

    Requesting a picture does not inherently label someone as a pedophile. Pedophilia is a serious and specific accusation that involves the sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It’s crucial to use such terms accurately and responsibly, as misusing them can cause significant harm and misunderstanding. While the cyberstalker’s admission to asking for a picture is concerning, it does not automatically equate to pedophilia without further context and evidence.

    The shifting narratives and inconsistent details provided by the accusers point to a pattern of gaslighting and misinformation. It’s crucial to differentiate between the actions of impersonators and the real MD, who has been transparent and cooperative throughout this ordeal.

    We urge the community to critically evaluate the claims made and to seek verifiable evidence before drawing conclusions. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure that discussions remain grounded in truth and that we avoid jumping to conclusions based on unverified or manipulated information.

    MD’s clarification regarding the legal definition of pedophilia was not an attempt to justify any behavior but to correct a misused term. It’s vital that we use such terms accurately to avoid causing unnecessary harm or confusion. Currently, there are false allegations circulating that conflate the actions of five or more individuals, all being wrongfully attributed to ‘MD.’ These claims inaccurately suggest that a single person was responsible for an event that is now being associated with multiple people. This misrepresentation is creating confusion and unfairly implicating ‘MD’ in activities they did not engage in.

    We hope that this statement provides clarity and encourages a move towards healing and understanding. It’s time to put an end to the cycle of accusations and to focus on building a community based on trust and respect.

    At the heart of this issue lies the repeated harassment directed at the targets whenever they express opinions related to Jinx. These targets are advocating for an environment where all opinions are welcomed and respected. However, it's the aggressors who falsely accuse them of being pedophiles and refuse to tolerate any perspective other than their own.

    The targets are essentially being coerced into accepting the aggressors' viewpoints or risk being driven away from the platform altogether. If you're someone who simply enjoys reading Jinx-related comments, it's crucial to recognize the falsehoods propagated by these cyberstalkers. Blindly believing their accusations could make you their next target should you express a differing opinion. Let's strive for a space where diverse viewpoints are valued and harassment is not tolerated

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 1:43 am


    Cockette May 16, 2024 1:48 am

    He's now harassing me with literally a 11-paragraphed message for no reason broo is he that sad and unhinged

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:54 am

    Cockette- 100% a catfish account of the cyberstalkers.
    One no one knows my gender and Safety is non-binary. This person made us “he” and one person. The cyberstalkers false narrative. I posted a comment to anyone and not address to Cockette and they claim I was coming at them and harassing them. That is illogical. The insults are not of a “newcomer” that was the account was made a few months ago and going to easy with false accusations. And was not confused or questioned when presented the truth of this situation.

    Cockette May 16, 2024 1:59 am

    wait morningdiamonds is actually just an insane harassing stalker i cant- I literally thought it was a girl until baileybot adressed to that psycho as «he» guys apparently I'm a catfish for asking to be left tf alone

    Cockette May 16, 2024 2:01 am

    Keep my name out ur fucking mouth

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 2:01 am

    More gaslighting ^.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 2:06 am

    Cockette Contradicts what is happening in reality.

    BaileyBot = aggressor. Not the victim.

    Morning diamonds is the target. Morning diamonds is the BaileyBot target. Now morning diamonds is the target of Cockette. BaileyBot is playing the victim. She set him up. Cockette make it clear they are a catfish would would gaslight and lie with so much hate on someone they don’t know.
    The hate gives them away.

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 2:07 am
    wait morningdiamonds is actually just an insane harassing stalker i cant- I literally thought it was a girl until baileybot adressed to that psycho as «he» guys apparently I'm a catfish for asking to be left... Cockette

    Catfish is his new favorite word to misuse

    Cockette May 16, 2024 2:12 am

    OMG. HE SHE IT IS RELENTLESS. GO TOUCH GRASS AND TALK TO SOMEONE IN REAL LIFE. from what ive been reading the past couple of weeks i 100 percent believe whats being said about you. baileybot has been fucking sweet and hilarious so far and you've been harassing me to no end with his bs.

    Cockette May 16, 2024 2:12 am

    I swear if he keeps harassing me im boutta do sum--

    Cockette May 16, 2024 2:15 am
    Catfish is his new favorite word to misuse BaileyBot

    lolol he's literally calling me stunning in my profile pic (*˘︶˘*)~。.:*♡.・゜゜・

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 2:17 am
    lolol he's literally calling me stunning in my profile pic (*˘︶˘*)~。.:*♡.・゜゜・ Cockette

    JK do be catfishing in your pfp. He's so babygirl there (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Cockette May 16, 2024 2:20 am
    JK do be catfishing in your pfp. He's so babygirl there (▰˘◡˘▰) BaileyBot

    No lie y do a 6'4 mma beast b so babygirl? (つω`*)

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 2:25 am
    Cockette- 100% a catfish account of the cyberstalkers. One no one knows my gender and Safety is non-binary. This person made us “he” and one person. The cyberstalkers false narrative. I posted a comment to ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I love how you said something and the catfish account said something else as if it was the true. I want to clarify something the targets ones intention is not to harass anyone. The post here by you have been made to the community and not the catfish account. You have actively avoided interaction with the catfish account. That false accusation is the same narrative used by the cyberstalkers.

    It's disheartening to hear false accusations when your actions have been aimed at engaging in discussions with others. It's worth noting that I'm not alone in my concerns about certain behaviors exhibited by some individuals in this community.

    Regarding the praise given to someone who has allegedly been engaging in manipulative and harassing behavior, it's important to consider the perspectives of all involved. It's concerning if someone is being praised despite their actions causing distress to others.

    I'm here to contribute to meaningful conversations and foster a positive environment. If there are specific concerns about our behavior, I'm open to discussing them respectfully and finding a resolution. However, the catfish accounts and other fake accounts that are falsely accusing us with unfounded claims that is debunked is not our behavior.
    Baileybot's claims are debunked. Her claims reflect her not us. Her claims are manipulative and harassing innocent people.
    Let's work towards understanding each other's perspectives and addressing any issues constructively.

    Cockette May 16, 2024 2:30 am

    first paragraph is hand-typed and the other 3 is by chat gpt :')))) he's come back to harass me with his other account amazing