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miau May 16, 2024 1:15 am

god he’s so fine. makes me wonder what a modern au would look like… i think i would cease to exist

    Phime May 16, 2024 3:23 am

    See, since having a dream where my partner led me (gently and with with enthusiastic consent) to lean against a wall, and pressed himself against me to kiss me passionately with his long hair cascading all around my face, giving us the illusion that the entire world held naughty but he and I; I've had a real serious thing for men with long hair, specifically that which remains left down and free. So, you can Imagine just how much I love this particular time period and location what with the class worth of a man is depicted by the length of is hair. I die for when the artists let their more dominant mens' hair flows free from both hats and ties.

    TL;DR: (Sorry for the wordiness, I just felt like being unnecessarily eloquent. In layman's terms: since I dreamed of my now partner pushing me against the wall and kissing me with his hair down, I've totally had a thing for long haired dudes... So needless to say, I LOVE this genre and super love when they show the characters with their hair down. ;P)