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What's up with the comments???

Pgc_am May 16, 2024 3:43 am

I read the comments thinking the creator's notes were like "messed up" bcs it's like they're implying the creator didn't know of rakhyun and eunho being problematic....but after reading the creator's note, it's so clear that she's just writing this as a FICTIONAL story that she didn't expect the problematic couple to be the couple the blew her story up....she even stated it herself that she was surprise she was getting positive feedback with them more than the main people not understand that sometimes a writer needs to earn money and dramatic + problematic stories are the more popular ones??? Im not encouraging these problematic couples to come up more often in stories but yall just gotta read the creator's note with a lighter heart and differentiate between fiction and reality sometimes....

All in all wishing good luck for the author...i always see authors ending up injured or sick and hopefully that does not happen to her (what im implying : she's a human being too) (=・ω・=)
