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Xeonii May 17, 2024 9:18 am

I wouldn't even be mad if he was my stalker, like- a stalker cleaning your house? Feeding you? Like come on, that's like princess treatment

    Xeonii May 17, 2024 9:19 am

    Yeah but it's still creepy though

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's May 17, 2024 10:36 am

    Honestly, IRL stalkers are creepy, all they do is see you as an object and look through your window or door, they would never see you as a human that they cherish and want to help even without being seen, they'd rather show off to get your attention. So someone who sincerely wants and does something good for you without trying to put the attention on himself, that's rare and that's admirable. I met a man like this this year, he is amazing and I genuinely respect his, a good guy, a great guy I wish I was his friend, still I am grateful towards him because it was the first time anyone had ever defended me, stood up for me. It has never happened before, I usually stand up for others and myself, but he who didn't know me, stood up against someone he has known for three years, because that person had harmed me. He's amazing and I will forever be grateful to him, If he needs anything in the future and asks for my help I would give it right away.

    WeebofLevi May 17, 2024 3:29 pm
    Yeah but it's still creepy though Xeonii

    Definitely creepy but “I’m just a girl”. (I hope you got the reference.) Definitely something in a book you wouldn’t mind happening but in irl it’s lowkey crazy.

    EroMaster May 18, 2024 11:01 pm

    As someone who has been stalked before not once but twice. I'm very much enjoying this manga. Ofcourse irl is nothing like this and my stalkers made feel weak and objectified and helpless. And honestly all they did was waste my time energy and money and tears. And I'm glad those fuckers are far away and hope they experience the same hell they put me through. But ngl this manga making me teeheeheeing and throwing my feet in air cause the idea of a kind and loving good-looking person selflessly going out of their way to make your life easier without you even asking to and dicking you down really good is a fantasy we all wanna indulge in because something even close to happening like this irl is extremely rare so work of fictions like this just produces enormous amount of happy chemicals in my brain