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Please explain me

hello_there May 17, 2024 1:19 pm

Did someone get this plan concerning Franz plotted by Judith and can shortly explain it?

    fwopfwop May 17, 2024 1:54 pm

    so judi knows franz needed to kiss some royal ass in order to battle against rudi right? and since rudi allied to crown princess candidate, judi knows the only option is prince samuel, the other crown prince candidate. in order to gain the prince's trust, franz is buying his way thru using bribes. now, judi predicted franz's next step, and asked prince samuel in advance to act like cooperating to franz's bribery by asking exorbitant amount of bribes. now, franzy is not rich, so he would have to find a way where to get this bribe right? judi is betting that once pressured to provide more, Franz would have no choice but to touch winterwald money by stealing. which she had planned to have rudi catch franz red handed to put him behind bars finally. but she failed tp share this plan to rudi, so rudybaby made plans on his own, which is sending assassin to deal with franz's ass but failed. now judiloves plan has gone awry cos they dont know where he is and he would be mode vigilant now. so now she had a new plan, which is to use rudy hidden passage to lure franz into possibly using it himself and getting him imprisoned for violating grandpapi's law.

    personally, i think sending a bunch of poison ang assassin go franz is better than round about plans only to get him arrested. likd the dead cant harm u soo

    hello_there May 18, 2024 12:10 am

    I see now~ yeah Rudi was more practical ahaha
    Thanks (๑•ㅂ•)و✧