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Mikimimii May 17, 2024 2:42 pm

MHA/BNHA has this reputation for being for babies and little kids because of Horikoshi’s lack of showcasing consequences and bad endings for characters, and i’ve seen a pretty big minority complaining about this kind of ending. but to me, this ending was always going to happen. if Izuku didn’t save Tomura, if he didn’t win this war, if he lost one for all, this wouldn’t be the series i loved from the beginning. i love MHA/BNHA because its all about good endings and happiness. sure, there are some plot in consistencies that are a little cringe and annoying, but hey, no anime/manga series is perfect. but i like MHA/BNHA either way because of how no matter the dire circumstances, no matter the sadness and dark tunnels, there will be a light at the end, and it’ll all be okay. but anyway, that’s just my two cents on it. feel free to comment your thoughts. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    nemu May 17, 2024 2:55 pm

    what?! people think that?! me personally i’ve had enough stress in my life, i don’t need any from manga that i read , no thank u, so this is fine

    yuu not you May 17, 2024 3:32 pm

    Outside form japan? Yes. But i think mha fandom in jp dont give that reputation anymore since all might lost to afo back then, many ppl been praising how mha actually would be good as "horror" since hori sensei embodied the hero theme as real as he could. Maybe bc the color tone of the anime? That's why its always labeled as "kids show" which is sad since hori and bones been heavily inspired from marvels :(