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What is wrong with me?

Phime May 19, 2024 6:41 am

Unnecessary misunderstandings are such a pretty piece of mine there practically the bane of my existence... so why am I so here for this bloody manhwa??? I get annoyed and want them to just freaking talk already, but for one of VERY few times, I actually get why things have gotten this far. For once, the misunderstandings actually make sense! They don't know one another well enough to be comfortable having a real discussion about everything. Would you tell a neighbour you barely know and think is creepy how you feel? Would you tell an online friend about specifics when your creepy neighbour did something weird, ESPECIALLY when you've been stalled by someone you met online before? And the fact that mc's Chara like EXACTLY like ml? It makes absolute sense that he would be creeped out, even if he wasn't being previously stalled.

Sure, I'm frustrated that neither of them will just say something just specific enough to top the other off, which would in turn open their relationship up to a much needed dialog, but I totally get why it hasn't happened yet.

The one thing that genuinely bugs me though is that Jigu used his actual name on voice chat, especially because op said Jigu was such an uncommon name. There is absolutely zero reason he wouldn't catch on there. Honestly though, I think Jigu has figured it out. At first this didn't bother me as much, but being that he even calls him Jigu, and on a regular basis... He would have noticed by now, after all, it literally displays their names every time they make any kind of comment.

    Yulin May 19, 2024 8:16 am

    Not really for the last part. I think asian languages have a lot of homophones, at least chinese does have a heck lot, so the Jigu of his name can be converted by a more overpowering jigu combination of words.
    In the case of the game only using the western alphabet, the in itself can be more confusing since it can be referring to anything and not necessarily linked to the characters of his real name