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Scum so the uke wasn't the first one he raped this story I wish I never read it I wouldn't...

Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 19, 2024 8:42 pm

Scum so the uke wasn't the first one he raped this story I wish I never read it I wouldn't of if I knew it would be like this that poor boy and his ex lover also the fact it seems the author is trying to make us pity this rapist mf

    mmem May 19, 2024 7:09 pm

    To be fair he didn’t rape his fated pair mate, it just looked like he did but clothes were on and only a bite was made. I was confused at first but so far he’s only been sexual to the uke. Does that make it better, who knows!

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 19, 2024 7:17 pm
    To be fair he didn’t rape his fated pair mate, it just looked like he did but clothes were on and only a bite was made. I was confused at first but so far he’s only been sexual to the uke. Does that make it... mmem

    No in the latest chapter just updated last panel fated pair is on the floor no pants on and the flashbacks show unfortunately

    mmem May 19, 2024 8:38 pm
    No in the latest chapter just updated last panel fated pair is on the floor no pants on and the flashbacks show unfortunately Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Sometimes I really hate omegaverse stories

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 19, 2024 8:41 pm
    Sometimes I really hate omegaverse stories mmem

    Same sorry be be the one who told you though

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 19, 2024 8:42 pm

    To be*

    hHmmMmm May 20, 2024 10:37 am

    it’s great that people are becoming aware of rape and its damage, but just because u dont understand shit, everything U dont like should be labeled as rape.

    Seme was in rut, he was literally out of his mind. 2 pages ago, it was clearly illustrated how seme was madly inlove with the uke and u think he would like to assault some rando?? Just because he was the “penetrator” he’s automatically the suspect and the other a victim.
    Men can be raped by women as well

    Just because he was the one to put his dick in(the guy in the story didnt), doesnt automatically mean he wanted to intentionally rape the guy.

    Rape awareness is great all in all, but the “awareness” yall like to spout can be damaging to the actual victims.

    Both seme and the other guy clearly didnt want anything to happen. It was just an amalgamation of bad luck, place, and time.

    Neither of them wanted “it” to happen. No one was a suspect, both were victims. No one was “raped”:)

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 10:53 am
    it’s great that people are becoming aware of rape and its damage, but just because u dont understand shit, everything U dont like should be labeled as rape.Seme was in rut, he was literally out of his mind. 2... hHmmMmm

    He was raped you see him running away crying and yet you wanna claim he's not the victim saying oh the same couldn't control it is bullshit it's not an excuse he raped him plain and simple unless you wanna claim that the other guy running away was him showing how much he wanted it your disgusting

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 10:54 am
    it’s great that people are becoming aware of rape and its damage, but just because u dont understand shit, everything U dont like should be labeled as rape.Seme was in rut, he was literally out of his mind. 2... hHmmMmm

    Also he did put his dick in are you that nieve to believe that those flashbacks and the uke on the floor without pants was simply just a bite be so fucking for real

    hHmmMmm May 20, 2024 11:06 am
    He was raped you see him running away crying and yet you wanna claim he's not the victim saying oh the same couldn't control it is bullshit it's not an excuse he raped him plain and simple unless you wanna clai... Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Yes exactly, he couldnt control it, plain and simple. The concept of having a heat/rut is clearly losing ur mind and just following the pleasure. It doesnt exist in our world so, to illustrate it, it could be liken to being drugged or inebriated, both were “drunk”; seme was in rut & guy was in heat. Would you imprison only the seme just because he was the one put his dick in? When he as well didnt want it. Would you imprison the guy because he forced the seme w his pheromones? Exactly both were not in their right mind, both couldnt consent. Any of those actions weren’t intentional. Unless u wanna claim that being the “penetrator” would you automatically the perpetrator, then you’d invalidating every male rape victim, ur so disgusting

    hHmmMmm May 20, 2024 11:09 am
    Also he did put his dick in are you that nieve to believe that those flashbacks and the uke on the floor without pants was simply just a bite be so fucking for real Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Yes he did not, unless it was shown. Then as evidenced by the author, in the ACTUAL book, no he did not penetrate him.

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:11 am
    Yes exactly, he couldnt control it, plain and simple. The concept of having a heat/rut is clearly losing ur mind and just following the pleasure. It doesnt exist in our world so, to illustrate it, it could be l... hHmmMmm

    Your so fucking disgusting you say both couldn't control it and yet the omega could he ran away imagine 2 people are drunk one runs away the other chases him pins him down and has sex with him and yet you then tell the victim oh no it wasn't rape he was drunk he couldn't control it you are so fucking disgusting you are what's wrong with the bl community do in every bl where an omega was gang raped in heat my alphas it was all his fault and no actually even though he didn't want it begged to stop tried to run away he wasn't raped l letting heat be an excuse for rape is fucking vile your here saying I'm invalidating male rape victims while you do the same do you think the omega feels any less raped knowing the seme couldn't control it huh do you think the omega after running away being chased pinned down raped and bitten thinks oh no I wanted it that's wasn't rape I no longer feel violated because he counts control it I pray you get raped by a man high out of his fucki by mind then get told no you weren't raped he couldnt control it your the one at fault for being near him the whole well the omega smelled is giving well she was wearing slit clothes what did she expect

    hHmmMmm May 20, 2024 11:14 am
    He was raped you see him running away crying and yet you wanna claim he's not the victim saying oh the same couldn't control it is bullshit it's not an excuse he raped him plain and simple unless you wanna clai... Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Crying automatically makes u the victim? Tell that to every single serial killer. Give me actual evidences, all ur statements are basically speculations, everything is exactly in the manga. He cried because of the circumstances he was in

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:16 am
    Yes he did not, unless it was shown. Then as evidenced by the author, in the ACTUAL book, no he did not penetrate him. hHmmMmm

    If the author didn't want the audience to think he was raped study wouldn't have drawn the omega without pants because they are smart to know some people would misunderstand and think oh no he was raped they wouldn't have put in the flashbacks him on the floor with his shirt up guess what in lots of mangas the rape isn't explicitly drawn because the author doesn't want to draw it and yet they draw enough for people to use their brains and understand what happened but please go ahead tell me why his pants were off for just a bite his pants would be on and if your gonna say oh they just touched well no that's not shown oh hold on his pants being taken off isn't shown either so I guess they weren't taken off explain why the author chose to draw him with his pants off knowing the implication that would follow or why they were off in the first place why he being shown taken from behind moaning why his top is up I'll be waiting for your worthless waste of space reply

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:18 am
    Yes he did not, unless it was shown. Then as evidenced by the author, in the ACTUAL book, no he did not penetrate him. hHmmMmm

    Average rape fetishiser defending the rapists lmao your a fucking joke

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:20 am
    Crying automatically makes u the victim? Tell that to every single serial killer. Give me actual evidences, all ur statements are basically speculations, everything is exactly in the manga. He cried because of ... hHmmMmm

    Conveniently ignoring the actual evidence he RAN AWAY he ran tf away does that not tell you he didn't want it THATS THE FUCKING EVIDENCE HE RAN AWAY are you telling me someone running away wants to be fucked huh that's not speculation that's evidence unless you think someone runni for their fucking life to get away is them actually wanting to be fucked

    hHmmMmm May 20, 2024 11:20 am
    Your so fucking disgusting you say both couldn't control it and yet the omega could he ran away imagine 2 people are drunk one runs away the other chases him pins him down and has sex with him and yet you then ... Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    yep exactly, putting words right in my mouth. My argument are clearly stated, both did not consent, both did not want it, it was not rape.

    No way did I mention any gangrape, and ur words exactly show how malicious, malignant and disgusting u r. Wanting rape onto another person? Yeah ur not any different to any of the rapists u mentioned. U r so vile i hope ur aware of that, ur an endangerment to the ppl around u.

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:21 am
    Crying automatically makes u the victim? Tell that to every single serial killer. Give me actual evidences, all ur statements are basically speculations, everything is exactly in the manga. He cried because of ... hHmmMmm

    All your doing is conveniently ignoring all the evidence in the manga twisting what actually happened and defending a rapist like did you forget what he did to the mc of this story you know the guy he forcibly turned into an omega without his concent and raped or wait did he actually want it too but go ahead keep defo ending him fucking freak

    hHmmMmm May 20, 2024 11:23 am
    Average rape fetishiser defending the rapists lmao your a fucking joke Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Average misandrist and bl fetishiser lmao your a fucking joke

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:24 am
    yep exactly, putting words right in my mouth. My argument are clearly stated, both did not consent, both did not want it, it was not rape.No way did I mention any gangrape, and ur words exactly show how malicio... hHmmMmm

    I'm using an example just like you do you said what of two drunk people so did I gang rape is the exact same circumstances another example and clear words there did not concent oh and it's funny you say I'm wishing rape on another because according to your logic that wouldn't be rape babe would it unless your logic doesn't actually hold up convenient I'm gonna stop wasting my time on someone so desperate to ignore a victim like I said before do you think him knowing the seme could control it makes him feel any less raped huh if you wanna argue by law no he wasn't raped ok do what the fuck you want but do you think that image doesn't feel like he was raped and violated

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 20, 2024 11:25 am
    Average misandrist and bl fetishiser lmao your a fucking joke hHmmMmm

    Projecting their babe lol