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1. Someone get rid of this old man, he gets on my nerves 2. We need more dad time, he bar...

Elihinata May 19, 2024 7:29 pm

1. Someone get rid of this old man, he gets on my nerves

2. We need more dad time, he barely spoke this last chapter (/TДT)/

    MonMon1001 May 19, 2024 11:11 pm

    Yeah, the old man annoys me too. Like the boy said 'no' already so he decided to go to his ...huh... guardian? Caretaker? Not sure what the dad is to Yayul right now, but basically old man ignored the boy's opinion so he went to someone else who might have more authority than him to pressure the kid to go with him.

    This honestly reminds me of how my uncle tried to get me to work for the family business again after years of him firing me for just being on my laptop while hanging out with my grandma during SUMMER VACATION. This happened when I was still in school so I wanted to spend my summer vacation with my grandma but she likes to watch those cringy romance drama shows so I would spend those times on my laptop watching and reading my own things I like while she watches hers. He got mad that I was on my laptop and not WORKING for the family business during my break and just fired me on the spot in front of my grandma. Fyi this isn't the first time he yelled at me for something or another. Every time he gets mad at something, he would lash it out on other people. I wasn't the only victim. Most of my family members had distance themselves from him. My older sister quit and got a new job right away after my uncle looked down on her, saying she'll never get another job and would come back to the family business anyways. So back to my point, years later, he tried to get me back by first appeasing me, but when that didn't work, he tried to demand I quit my current job and go back. I got pissed and left. He then called my mom to guilt trip me into going back. I became furious and upset, because 1) he tried to use my mom against me 2) he completely ignored my decision AGAIN and I'm already an adult by then and 3) my mom knows full well how I don't get along with my uncle and she knows about the situation behind him firing me in the first place yet she still did this to me.

    This is why I hate people who completely ignores the person's decision and tries to use someone else to pressure them to get the outcome they want. It just clearly shows they don't respect the other's opinion whatsoever.