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Soybean May 19, 2024 9:55 pm

How many times must they convince her that she will not be eaten? She consistently circles back to thinking so despite anyone telling her otherwise

    yaoi_lover May 20, 2024 4:00 am

    Right!?!? Why would they keep her around if they wanted to eat her? They would’ve done that in day one

    Geek Goddess May 31, 2024 4:12 am

    Yeah, I stopped on chapter 5. I couldn't take every 3 seconds "Oh, so they really are gonna eat me!" Like, I get her village was destroyed and mother was killed by beastkin, allegedly, but geez. The guy carried you back to his castle after you fainted, ate lunch with you, suggested a bath, cut his claws and in the midst of that both he and the maid kept telling you they don't eat humans. I'm not looking for her to fall in love immediately and be all lovey dovey, but the shaking and quivering and constant "There gonna eat me!" is annoying

    I'll wait until it gets more chapters. I have a feeling I'm gonna be skipping around in this one.

    QueenChan June 2, 2024 4:39 am

    To be fair, they killed her mom in front of her. And they are different enough that she doesn't understand that it's the downside of war.

    It happens in the human world too.