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ydts05 May 20, 2024 12:58 am

Why can’t bl authors ever write about CONSENSUAL sex???? Why does the bottom always have to be raped? Like how fucking hard is it to write a story in which the bottom has explicitly consented and clearly wants it rather than the top just shoving his dick in and being like “I can’t stop now even if I wanted to” like bitch??????? Tf you mean you can’t stop?? Your partner is uncomfortable and is quite literally BEGGING you to stop and get you keep jackhammering in them?? AND THEN you have the audacity to be like “I’ll make you feel so good” the second round like you couldn’t have done that the first round. Is properly stretching and making sure your partner is comfortable hard to do??? These authors just have disgusting rape fantasies and they need to knock it off it’s disgusting

    m88 May 21, 2024 12:22 pm