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ydts05 May 26, 2024 8:04 pm

If my partner kicked me out of our home and completely pulled away from me and refused to touch me I’d break up with them no shot I’m staying with someone who is prioritizing their work above me

    May 26, 2024 10:36 pm

    He's a whole ass famous director, if it were me I wouldn't prioritize someone over my job that gets me a lot of money, sorry, If I had a partner I would love them to death but that's different. I don't understand why you would want someone to prioritize you over their income

    Theystolemyname May 26, 2024 10:53 pm
    He's a whole ass famous director, if it were me I wouldn't prioritize someone over my job that gets me a lot of money, sorry, If I had a partner I would love them to death but that's different. I don't understa...

    There is balance to things. It's one thing to focus on work, and it's another to not only ban your lover from any type of physical affection (like, damn, at least hold hands??), but also kick them out of your place, without any prior discussion on either matter to come to a compromise that works for both. Hell, maybe they would have come to the same conclusion and decided to live separately, but at least it would have been a mutual agreement, instead of one person just making major decisions that concern them both you can't do shit like that and have mutually respectful and harmonious relationship.

    May 26, 2024 11:13 pm
    There is balance to things. It's one thing to focus on work, and it's another to not only ban your lover from any type of physical affection (like, damn, at least hold hands??), but also kick them out of your p... Theystolemyname

    I'm specifically talking about how this person said that they would want a partner who prioritizes them OVER their work, I understand everything you said and I agree tbh but I feel like the way this person said it was a little odd

    May 26, 2024 11:14 pm
    There is balance to things. It's one thing to focus on work, and it's another to not only ban your lover from any type of physical affection (like, damn, at least hold hands??), but also kick them out of your p... Theystolemyname

    I probably wouldn't have even replied if they didn't say that, bc like I said it's weird that you would want your own partner to put you over their own income and become dependent on only you

ydts05 May 20, 2024 12:58 am

Why can’t bl authors ever write about CONSENSUAL sex???? Why does the bottom always have to be raped? Like how fucking hard is it to write a story in which the bottom has explicitly consented and clearly wants it rather than the top just shoving his dick in and being like “I can’t stop now even if I wanted to” like bitch??????? Tf you mean you can’t stop?? Your partner is uncomfortable and is quite literally BEGGING you to stop and get you keep jackhammering in them?? AND THEN you have the audacity to be like “I’ll make you feel so good” the second round like you couldn’t have done that the first round. Is properly stretching and making sure your partner is comfortable hard to do??? These authors just have disgusting rape fantasies and they need to knock it off it’s disgusting

    m88 May 21, 2024 12:22 pm


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