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A feeling

SCP May 20, 2024 6:31 am

Dang I adore Charin x Jin but why do I get the feeling that they aren't going to end up together...

    Ichigo4444 May 21, 2024 12:36 am

    That's cause Charin has enough death flags to cloak a country and the author seems unmerciful. In terms of actual development it's definitely Charin x Jin all the way.


    Charin's almost dying words were that he was only pround of two things in his life and both points can be summarized as 'Jin loved me'

    PatrickStar May 23, 2024 5:31 pm
    That's cause Charin has enough death flags to cloak a country and the author seems unmerciful. In terms of actual development it's definitely Charin x Jin all the way.SpoilersCharin's almost dying words were th... Ichigo4444

    Don’t hurt me like this but I’m okay with his arc if it ends like that instead of him ending up with the creeper.