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Sakuya--- May 21, 2024 12:01 am

daon, I've been rooting for your happiness. you may have the least intriguing character unlike the other 3, but i still root for u and whoever ur happy and safe to be with. im glad you ended up with someone who loves you despite your flaws. for me, he's

sunghyeon, thank you for being there for daon despite feeling love hate for him. u being upset of daon for what he did to u is justified. ppl may say u deserve better, but what you deserve is ur happiness and whom ur happy with (i gotta find stories where semes love ukes more )

tbh, i cant blame sunghyeon and daon. it's only natural for sungyeon to be uoset but sunghyeon did enter daon's life even tho daon warned him.

soohyun may have a cute start with daon, he's still a jerk. but he really did love daon and so did daon. what broke them apart are some misunderstandings here and there, and ofc.. .

jaemin. he's just downright evil. (but he did technically help daon and his family)

1 major reason that made sunghyeon win is that he didn't meet jaemin until much later where he's aware how evil jaemin is. but i cant deny jaemin's talent in manipulating ppl. even sunghyeon were fooled by him the first time they interacted lol.
