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soohyun's dimples r qt

ayatoes May 21, 2024 10:39 am

imagine, if jaemin isn't a gaslighting manipulator daon and soohyun could've end up together. they could've been a cute couple, and the fact that soohyun's kinda religious guy and he still like daon is such a cutie lmao. "your not late" "i am the one that's late" fcking hell.

daon adored jaemin and he loved soohyun. daon couldn't love jaemin the way he loved soohyun. it was sad at the same time beautiful lol :<<< bittersweet i believe.

to seunghon(?), thank you for loving daon until the end. the amount of sadness and drama you experienced while meeting/liking daon is immaculate lmfao. i can't, there are really guys like you huh.

conclusion: loving someone too much can cause stupidity lmao. good read.

    ayatoes May 21, 2024 10:45 am

    kinda selfish but can i have some sneak peak side stories where daon and soohyun end up together? lol. i rlly love their bittersweet story. it was so heartbreaking that i want jaemin to be chopped and feed him to the titans