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"I'll be right here to teach you anything you don't know until you feel happy to be here."...

little fighter May 21, 2024 2:07 am

"I'll be right here to teach you anything you don't know until you feel happy to be here."
"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"That's because... I love you"
"Moonsung... You need to warm up or you'll catch a cold"
"But from the very start... It wasn't something I could fix"
"Don't push me away... Please stay by my side"
"How are you feeling?"
"Where does it hurt? Is it bad? Want me to run out and get some medicine?"
"Oh... It's not your fault"
"You deserve to feel at peace. That's what I've always wanted for you"
"We're six years apart right now! Right? If we count only the year you've been alive!"

hehe...hehehehe. I want to be loved like that too. AAAA Hoyeon really fuckin' loves Moonsung. What should I do? Is it legal to feel this single? If I don't get a guy like Hoyeon, I don't want to marry them .
