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such a shame

daddyrie May 21, 2024 11:55 pm

honestly i very rarely like toxic romances and toxic MLs but have grown to love this story so much because of its realism. it’s not one of those trashy stories that tries to romanticise red flags and shoves rape in your face every other chapter. it shows you the dark side of the world as it is, no rose tinted glasses. yeah there’s some dubcon but out of like 78 chapters, the MC and ML have only had sex like 3 times while most of it is very plot heavy. considering the situation the MC is in, literally being millions in debt, i expected worse and a lot of noncon smut thrown in our faces. the whole character ensemble works really well with this kind of story and i like how they all feel like real people with real motivations and desires. the author doesn’t try to make the MC or ML a hero, they’re just people who have been shaped by the environments and experiences they’ve faced.

ugh it’s just the spoilers have absolutely ruined this for me. the one thing i wanted was this to not go down the cliche route of MC suffering at the hands of the ML but still forgiving him and ending up together with him. taeha’s not a good person, i accept that, but was i delusional to expect him to be at least a decent person to the MC? somewhere in the back of my mind i was thinking of the possibility that taeha would be responsible for the MC’s debt and that he would be trying to take his revenge out on the MC instead of his father but i really wanted to trust taeha when he said he had no interest in that thing. i wanted this to be a story where two messed up individuals who have suffered because of the same man (the MC having to deal with the debt his father left behind him and the ML having to deal with the trauma the MC’s father gave him) find some sort of peace together. was it too much for me to want the wikileaks to be taeha’s only desire and not revenge?

but no, taeha lied. he is indeed trying to take his revenge out on the MC, he’s the cause of his debt, he’s the reason the MC had to suffer in place of his father, he’s been manipulating and using the MC this whole time and he is the reason the MC will suffer even more in the future. in the future chapters the ML’s cousin rapes the MC and sends the video to the ML, for some reason the ML assumes this is consensual and then rapes the MC as punishment. then the MC gets shot and falls into water (i don’t know why but it’s apparently the MLs fault), the ML saves him but the MC is permanently damaged because of this. the ML is sorry (

    kainess May 22, 2024 1:28 am

    I am in shock omg nooo please this spoiler got me like so annoyed and disappointed ☹

    kainess May 22, 2024 1:38 am

    I also was hoping it will go the same way as you described but this spoiler ruined it for me somehow i just don't know really

    daddyrie May 22, 2024 1:46 am

    just realise my comment cut off.

    > the ML is sorry for all he’s done, they confess their feelings to each other, the ML confesses that he bought the MC’s debt a long time ago and let the MC suffer as revenge on his father but the MC forgives him after like 10 days and then they get married in germany, the MC becomes his secretary. like wtf is that??? just garbage, ruined a perfectly good story. was it too much to ask for a complex romance that doesn’t resort to lame tropes? these authors need to stop resorting to rape and making the MC a constant victim, their story can have angst without that garbage. i’m just incredibly disappointed like this changes the whole story for me

    kainess May 22, 2024 1:52 am
    just realise my comment cut off.> the ML is sorry for all he’s done, they confess their feelings to each other, the ML confesses that he bought the MC’s debt a long time ago and let the MC suffer as reve... daddyrie

    This really had such a great potential to be such an amazing story but not anymore with what happened offff what a disappointment truly

    qubs May 22, 2024 12:11 pm

    the ending sounds so rushed omg like you’ve spent this whole time drawing the plot out… just to end it that suddenly? 10 days then that’s the end of all those years of suffering???? either author got bored, lost interest, or started working on something they had more passion for

    esphirix May 22, 2024 7:13 pm

    that’s so insanely disappointing wth… i loved how complex they both were and the plot was done so well but judging from those spoilers, i guess we were naive to expect a well-executed ending

    daddyrie May 22, 2024 8:02 pm
    that’s so insanely disappointing wth… i loved how complex they both were and the plot was done so well but judging from those spoilers, i guess we were naive to expect a well-executed ending esphirix

    i was literally hoping so hard that this story would break from cliches but no like i’m so annoyed that a perfectly good story has been ruined

    daddyrie May 22, 2024 8:03 pm
    the ending sounds so rushed omg like you’ve spent this whole time drawing the plot out… just to end it that suddenly? 10 days then that’s the end of all those years of suffering???? either author got bore... qubs

    it’s such a joke, i don’t get these authors’ obsession with making the mc suffer and suffer just to forgive the ml who just feels sorry. this is why i don’t like these “make him regret” plots, it’s not satisfying at all. it just makes me feel so sad for the mc

    nadropoom May 23, 2024 2:31 pm

    Did you read the novel? Can you provide the link please?

    Blue Moon May 25, 2024 1:13 pm

    In case you haven’t already read this I’m jus gonna recommend it and go “Assorted wildness” is an amazing story with one of the best ukes ever you guys should check it out

    daddyrie May 25, 2024 2:00 pm
    In case you haven’t already read this I’m jus gonna recommend it and go “Assorted wildness” is an amazing story with one of the best ukes ever you guys should check it out Blue Moon

    thanks for the recommendation, i’ll check it out

    nadropoom May 25, 2024 10:47 pm
    thanks for the recommendation, i’ll check it out daddyrie

    You really didn't wanna reply to my comment huh damn

    daddyrie May 26, 2024 6:44 am
    You really didn't wanna reply to my comment huh damn nadropoom

    lol it’s not that serious, i just didn’t see the notif. in my og post i said i just read spoilers, i haven’t read the novel nor do i have the link

    yoonso May 28, 2024 3:03 am
    just realise my comment cut off.> the ML is sorry for all he’s done, they confess their feelings to each other, the ML confesses that he bought the MC’s debt a long time ago and let the MC suffer as reve... daddyrie


    ulostbbg? May 31, 2024 12:59 pm
    it’s such a joke, i don’t get these authors’ obsession with making the mc suffer and suffer just to forgive the ml who just feels sorry. this is why i don’t like these “make him regret” plots, it’... daddyrie

    They fr put all their effort into making the MC suffer but never enough effort into making the ones who wronged the MC make things right, they make the MC forgive them so easily and it’s gets old so damn quick. Like STAND UPPP that man did unspeakable things to you

    daddyrie June 1, 2024 6:33 pm
    They fr put all their effort into making the MC suffer but never enough effort into making the ones who wronged the MC make things right, they make the MC forgive them so easily and it’s gets old so damn quic... ulostbbg?

    literallyyy. like i wouldn’t have been as mad at this ending if it was the ml who is shot and permanently damaged, at least who would have suffered in some way for what he did to the mc. i don’t like how in these “make him suffer” stories it is really only the mc suffering while we’re supposed to be satisfied with the ml feeling sorry and regretful