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um what the flip

Akasha May 22, 2024 2:32 am

this story was so cute until i was like wait... they're siblings? Incest? and then it just got worse bc he killed his mom bye boy RUN. Also that's not healthy love he is obsessed (not in a good way) like he wants to legit lock him up? Forced him to become a guide? Bro istg..

    FlyingCat Mei May 28, 2024 2:16 pm

    Wait, what are you talking about…???? They have different parents right? ML mother has black hair and Mc mother was working for ML’s family base on context of her picking Mc up and cooking for ML, I think ML family hired a nanny or a cook for ML and ran away like they said before to ‘leave him to die’ in somewhere far like a vacation.

    Akasha May 29, 2024 11:29 am
    Wait, what are you talking about…???? They have different parents right? ML mother has black hair and Mc mother was working for ML’s family base on context of her picking Mc up and cooking for ML, I think M... FlyingCat Mei

    it doesn't matter half siblings are still incest... everyone keeps making exceptions for half but it's just as disgusting( ̄∇ ̄"). Anyway like he also did kill her mom so i dropped it

    Angy May 29, 2024 6:06 pm
    it doesn't matter half siblings are still incest... everyone keeps making exceptions for half but it's just as disgusting( ̄∇ ̄"). Anyway like he also did kill her mom so i dropped it Akasha

    ??? But they are not related at all? Not even half. ML's parents hired a nanny, MC's mom, a complete stranger, to take care of ML. They have different mom's and different dads. Kid MC calls kid ML brother because in Chinese, "gege" can be used for a non blood related older male. (Like Onii-chan in Japanese or Oppa/Hyung in Korean)

    Akasha May 29, 2024 6:15 pm
    ??? But they are not related at all? Not even half. ML's parents hired a nanny, MC's mom, a complete stranger, to take care of ML. They have different mom's and different dads. Kid MC calls kid ML brother becau... Angy

    ohh thank god omg i thought it was another crazy obsessive half brother type situation . still kinda crazy how mother was killed cuz of him but oh well its for the plot i guess...

    Angy May 29, 2024 6:28 pm
    ohh thank god omg i thought it was another crazy obsessive half brother type situation . still kinda crazy how mother was killed cuz of him but oh well its for the plot i guess... Akasha

    I do understand where you come from XD
    I'm going to give a yellow flag to ML on the account that it wasn't intentional, he lost his control and frankly was just a kid who wasn't taught right from wrong.
    Though I really hope he will come clean to MC and tell him the whole truth and let him decide and not just wait for it to explode by itself.

    Mc could really do better but honestly compare to those extreme trash Gong with borderline rapist tendency or just straight rapist, I can accept him better. Yeah I know, my bar has come very low

    FlyingCat Mei May 29, 2024 9:49 pm
    it doesn't matter half siblings are still incest... everyone keeps making exceptions for half but it's just as disgusting( ̄∇ ̄"). Anyway like he also did kill her mom so i dropped it Akasha

    I was even confused why you would think that cuz MC's mother clearly said she's picking her son up and when Kid MC talking about going on vacation he said he will talk to his parent to let him go with him. which clearly state that they are from different family. like who in the right mind would say 'I'm picking you up' to their child in front of their half sibling? and even in the house that ML is clearly living in for a while. if they are real siblings or even half siblings they would live together and doesn't need MC's mother to pick MC up to their own home. good thing you clear that up tho.

    Ochako June 10, 2024 10:34 am
    ohh thank god omg i thought it was another crazy obsessive half brother type situation . still kinda crazy how mother was killed cuz of him but oh well its for the plot i guess... Akasha

    He didn't just kill Howoo's mom in that accident. He killed both his parents too, it just isn't shown in this chapter. His power just exploded while his parents kept contemplating and fighting over how creepy they find their kid bc he has such strong powers. I think his parents blaming him, fighting and distancing themselves from him played a huge part in him getting emotionally stunted and dependent on Howoo. The nanny/helper felt pity for him so she started bringing around Howoo, who finally got through to him.

    tenshi June 10, 2024 10:35 am
    ??? But they are not related at all? Not even half. ML's parents hired a nanny, MC's mom, a complete stranger, to take care of ML. They have different mom's and different dads. Kid MC calls kid ML brother becau... Angy

    they're not related at all though? i thought howoo's parents are just his caretaker??

    Angy June 10, 2024 3:38 pm
    they're not related at all though? i thought howoo's parents are just his caretaker?? tenshi

    yes, it was cleared up in the 3rd comments ;)

    tenshi June 10, 2024 4:37 pm
    yes, it was cleared up in the 3rd comments ;) Angy

    oh im sorry i didnt see, my bad

    Angy June 10, 2024 6:49 pm
    oh im sorry i didnt see, my bad tenshi

    Don't apologize, you were trying to help! No need to feel sorry about it