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okay am i tweaking or is the mc like really weird for this. like idk. like he knows he’s...

dios left ballsack May 23, 2024 7:03 am

okay am i tweaking or is the mc like really weird for this. like idk. like he knows he’s pregnant, dosent tell the ml about it, and just supposes they’ll be a happy family… why…? we as the reader know from the entire series that he’s abusive and even if these are what ifs, the mls character seems to stay the same through the ‘what if’s’, in fact, almost all the characters seem to stay the same except for the last ‘what if’ with the second ml being very rapey.

and putting that aside. why woukd you not tell him he’s the father if you’ve never had talks about a child together. what if he just doesn’t want a kid yet, and that man is NOT stable enough to be a father. what if the ml DOSENT WANT A CHILD. he’s hiding the fact from him WHICH IS WEIRD. i’m pretty sure the ml knows already, that’s why he’s pampering him and making sure he’s safe and stuff (i’m assuming so) but even so, why push a child into someone when the ml could make him a single father very easily.

(i obviously know the author simply wanted to make shitty omega verse and didn’t put much thought into it, same with the last “what if”, the author just wanted to make porn, i just though the mc doing the “i wanna start a family with him” without even knowing if he wants to be in a family is weird to me)

    ReverseHaremJutsu May 23, 2024 9:39 am

    idk, to me, it don't matter if the ml doesn't want a child cuz both of them are responsible for any consenting unprotected sex they've engaged in. the only correct response would be to ask the mc what he wants to do and support his decision, if the mc not ready, he not ready, if he wants a child, he wants a child. you right they definitely should have talked beforehand to avoid miscommunication, but I think the author is having the mc not tell the ml abt being pregnant as a way for him to worry over him without knowing what's wrong. the trope of not telling the ml abt a pregnancy usually happen in toxic ml stories which this one definitely falls under and I feel like it's a way to let the ml suffer for a bit out of worry, which I'm enjoying cuz he deserves it after everything he put the mc through

    dios left ballsack May 23, 2024 11:41 am
    idk, to me, it don't matter if the ml doesn't want a child cuz both of them are responsible for any consenting unprotected sex they've engaged in. the only correct response would be to ask the mc what he wants ... ReverseHaremJutsu

    yeah i’m not disagreeing if the mc wants to keep the kid he has every right, i’m just saying the narrative with the “we’re gonna be one big happy family!” when he dosent know if he ml wants a child yet or is ready for that and not telling him he’s the father of his child but expecting it to be rainbows and puppies was weird to me.

    i haven’t heard of that trope like at all so that’s probably why i find it a little weird