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I can’t figure out why euijoon is acting like he’s not part of the problem!? If you ma...

MaidenVirgoLuna May 24, 2024 7:54 am

I can’t figure out why euijoon is acting like he’s not part of the problem!? If you make it impossible for your loved ones to talk to you and tell you things of course they won’t tell you anything especially when you’re prone to overreaction and misplaced & unnecessary fear. So why pretend that someone can talk to you about things…I dislike his character so much. I liked him towards the beginning.

    Sarkela May 24, 2024 6:44 pm

    Where was the overreaction? Where was the unnecessary fear?you aren’t only mischaracterising euijoon but ahjussi as well by saying that , since at the end of day it was his choice to not explain things.

    Sarkela May 24, 2024 6:46 pm
    Where was the overreaction? Where was the unnecessary fear?you aren’t only mischaracterising euijoon but ahjussi as well by saying that , since at the end of day it was his choice to not explain things. Sarkela

    And admittedly because ahjussi himself knows the severity of his actions

    MaidenVirgoLuna May 26, 2024 2:03 am
    Where was the overreaction? Where was the unnecessary fear?you aren’t only mischaracterising euijoon but ahjussi as well by saying that , since at the end of day it was his choice to not explain things. Sarkela

    I’m not. Just before Beom left that whole situation was over blown by joon on top of the fact that he acted like Beom was going to kill him. Beom told him that his life is messy and dangerous and he needed to sort things out before he could tell him about it and joon acted like Beom could have told him and then turned around and acted like a weirdo in the moment and didn’t even give Beom a chance to explain anything then he got mad after he got ghosted for 3 years pretending he was so in love when he didn’t even tell Beom that he liked him! still not taking any responsibility for how he acted. Beom did literally all the work in that relationship and the way the ended up reconciliating was rushed bs, they had like no chemistry.

    MaidenVirgoLuna May 26, 2024 2:06 am
    Where was the overreaction? Where was the unnecessary fear?you aren’t only mischaracterising euijoon but ahjussi as well by saying that , since at the end of day it was his choice to not explain things. Sarkela

    He knew he was a gangster and then tried to be shocked to death when Beom did some gangster shit…I don’t get it.

    MaidenVirgoLuna May 26, 2024 2:28 am
    Where was the overreaction? Where was the unnecessary fear?you aren’t only mischaracterising euijoon but ahjussi as well by saying that , since at the end of day it was his choice to not explain things. Sarkela

    And he was content to give that cheater who ignored him for months on end all his love and understanding he would still be with that guy if everyone in his life wasn’t asking him wtaf? It seems like he was just desperate to say he had a boyfriend in the end and he picked ahjussi as a rebound. The side stories are cute but the main story wasn’t that great. I’m sorry if that offends someone. But being drunk off of a happy ending and ignoring the rest of the story is not my style.

    alexisnic97 May 28, 2024 1:02 am
    I’m not. Just before Beom left that whole situation was over blown by joon on top of the fact that he acted like Beom was going to kill him. Beom told him that his life is messy and dangerous and he needed to... MaidenVirgoLuna

    Get off that man’s dick!!

    MaidenVirgoLuna May 28, 2024 6:13 am
    Get off that man’s dick!! alexisnic97

    Kick rocks desperate miserable bitch.

    MaidenVirgoLuna May 28, 2024 6:31 am
    Get off that man’s dick!! alexisnic97

    If you don’t have the brain power to add something valid to the conversation shutting the fuck up is a perfectly respectable option use it next time fucking corny ass clown.

    Sarkela May 28, 2024 11:57 am
    And he was content to give that cheater who ignored him for months on end all his love and understanding he would still be with that guy if everyone in his life wasn’t asking him wtaf? It seems like he was ju... MaidenVirgoLuna

    I mean I have to agree with you on the side stories, without them the story would not feel as complete or well thought out as much.But I think the main stories shows pretty well that they lived in “different worlds” and I could understand why euijoon felt scared and why ahjussi understood his feelings. I mean I would be also scared to death if gangster looking guys beat my head on a table and then thinking that my boyfriend killed his friend ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MaidenVirgoLuna May 28, 2024 4:39 pm
    I mean I have to agree with you on the side stories, without them the story would not feel as complete or well thought out as much.But I think the main stories shows pretty well that they lived in “different ... Sarkela

    You’re not wrong about that especially the living in different worlds part but I think the author could have made it more apparent through storytelling like they should have showed Euijoon having a happy sheltered family life or something that would show he was too pure to be with a gangster but he was living and working in a bad neighborhood in debt and struggling to take care of his sick brother so it’s not like he was living such a charmed life that Beom’s behavior wasn’t at least expected, also he was too willing to forgive everyone and anyone and gave Beom such a hard time even though he was the one struggling the most with his own lifestyle. But that’s the odd part of reading is as the reader we get to see everything like god and the characters only see a small part of each other.

    Ponponya June 3, 2024 4:46 pm
    You’re not wrong about that especially the living in different worlds part but I think the author could have made it more apparent through storytelling like they should have showed Euijoon having a happy shel... MaidenVirgoLuna

    I agree. Honestly I was hoping joon did more understanding and reflection when they met again. Also it was only 2 years and he had to have a bf? I really don’t understand why. Not that he shouldn’t but at least be with one who loves him and help him over get Beom (not that I want this to happen but it would make more sense since he was actually rejecting this bf from the start meaning he wasn’t looking for a rebound). Also all those inner dialogues and overthinking whether to like or not like him when he already liked him was so annoying. He understood that he was of a good character yet he just had to force his way to know stuff instead of giving more time to wait. And what about his big promise of he will be the first to tell him he like beom when it’s all over. He didn’t even give him a chance to explain anything. Then act like he was abandoned. And even after everything with beom trying to explain he was like no go away I don’t need it. Not even a sorry for not giving him a chance to explain when previously he wanted to know every thing about him. Throughout this whole series it’s a very one sided chase from beom and joon just thinking he’s a victim. If only he open up to his friend I’m sure things wouldn’t even be so messy cause she’s obviously very sharp and gives good feedbacks. I’m just thankful for all the side stories to make this better but I really hoped he did something more too. Especially I was hoping for a more straightforward confession after they met again instead of this whole dragging thing. The confession after at the convenience store lost its appeal to me after all that unnecessary drama.

    MaidenVirgoLuna June 5, 2024 5:02 am
    I agree. Honestly I was hoping joon did more understanding and reflection when they met again. Also it was only 2 years and he had to have a bf? I really don’t understand why. Not that he shouldn’t but at l... Ponponya

    All.of.thissss these are the same thoughts I was having throughout the whole thing!! Omg you said it all so perfectly! And yes that confession was so cheap, I really wish it felt like moon liked Beom more and not like Beom was making all the sacrifices. It was as you said a very one sided love which makes it a bit sad really, but thank the stars for the side stories because that saved it from a tragedy tag I think hahahaha just kidding on that last part