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Alright, hear me out. If characters communicated, all BL stories would make 4 episodes of ...

Miisseeko May 24, 2024 11:24 pm

Alright, hear me out. If characters communicated, all BL stories would make 4 episodes of angust and the rest of fluff so TALK TO EACH OTHER! (This advice applies in real life too)

    Blfreak May 25, 2024 7:39 am

    Might be applicable to fictions but definitely not in real life. I have always been straight forward and communicated. So i can assure, communication sucks. It doesnt solve anything.
    Action always speaks louder.

    Syade May 25, 2024 8:56 pm
    Might be applicable to fictions but definitely not in real life. I have always been straight forward and communicated. So i can assure, communication sucks. It doesnt solve anything. Action always speaks louder... Blfreak

    Verbal communication is just as important as non-verbal communication. It's good that you're communicating well with others already. It may not solve everything but at least, you know that you tried your best!

    Just wanna let you know that(⌒▽⌒)

    JulyInAugust May 26, 2024 3:38 pm
    Might be applicable to fictions but definitely not in real life. I have always been straight forward and communicated. So i can assure, communication sucks. It doesnt solve anything. Action always speaks louder... Blfreak

    Have you ever thought that maybe the problem wasn't communication but the partners you chose ?
    Not saying your taste in partner sucks but... It's either how you choose a partner, you misunderstanding what communication is or you lying about communicating.
    Communication is the foundation of any relationship, if communicating doesn't "work" the problem is elsewhere.

    Blfreak May 26, 2024 4:49 pm
    Have you ever thought that maybe the problem wasn't communication but the partners you chose ? Not saying your taste in partner sucks but... It's either how you choose a partner, you misunderstanding what commu... JulyInAugust

    Umm. Actually im yet to have a partner. I was talking about all sorts of relationship. In my case it would with my family and friends.

    I was saying communication doesnt really change anything. It only works if both parties are willing to compromise and accept each others opinion. But if the clash occurs due to the difference of opinion, communicating will only make it worse. In such cases, u just need to leave the whole matter behind.

    And suppose, someone hurts you or behaves badly with you, do u really think telling them that u r hurt will change anything? They might apologize, but surely they will do it again.

    So its not really about communication but the person.

    I dont know if i conveyed it correctly. Its rather complicated. I have been struggling cause of it for a long time.

    JulyInAugust May 26, 2024 8:22 pm
    Umm. Actually im yet to have a partner. I was talking about all sorts of relationship. In my case it would with my family and friends. I was saying communication doesnt really change anything. It only works if ... Blfreak

    Yeah, I get what you mean, you don't choose your family and like you said, if the other person isn't willing to communicate then you doing it won't make the relationship better.

    But when it comes to friends and partner, just know that if you can't communicate then that relationship is doomed to begin with (family too, but you may be stuck with them for the time being) cutting those people out or your life would be best for your well being.
    But like always with advice take it with a grain of salt, any advice can be wrong depending on the situation so don't go cutting your social network without considering the impact on your physical and financial safety.

    Miisseeko May 26, 2024 8:33 pm
    Umm. Actually im yet to have a partner. I was talking about all sorts of relationship. In my case it would with my family and friends. I was saying communication doesnt really change anything. It only works if ... Blfreak

    I just read your response and I get what you mean all too well, especially for the family part. Yes my “advise” only applies if the other person is willing to cooperate, but to me if she is not then we cannot be together. In my family they only know how to gaslight or abuse so communication is a quality that I value more than anything. Even if the truth isn’t pretty it’s better than a lie :] I hope you will meet people who are willing to give that to you !